Canonical name: PidLidAddressBookProviderArrayType Description: Specifies the state of the electronic addresses of the contact and represents a set of bit flags. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008029 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidAddressBookProviderEmailList Description: Specifies which electronic address properties are set on the Contact object. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008028 Data type: PtypMultipleInteger32, 0x1003 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidAddressCountryCode Description: Specifies the country code portion of the mailing address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080DD Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidAgingDontAgeMe Description: Specifies whether to automatically archive the message. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000850E Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Common Canonical name: PidLidAllAttendeesString Description: Specifies a list of all the attendees except for the organizer, including resources and unsendable attendees. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008238 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAllowExternalCheck Description: This property is set to TRUE. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008246 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidAnniversaryEventEntryId Description: Specifies the EntryID of the Appointment object that represents an anniversary of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000804E Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentAuxiliaryFlags Description: Specifies a bit field that describes the auxiliary state of the object. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008207 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentColor Description: Specifies the color to be used when displaying the Calendar object. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008214 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentCounterProposal Description: Indicates whether a Meeting Response object is a counter proposal. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008257 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentDuration Description: Specifies the length of the event, in minutes. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008213 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentEndDate Description: Indicates the date that the appointment ends. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008211 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentEndTime Description: Indicates the time that the appointment ends. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008210 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentEndWhole Description: Specifies the end date and time for the event. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000820E Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentLastSequence Description: Indicates to the organizer the last sequence number that was sent to any attendee. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008203 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentMessageClass Description: Indicates the message class of the Meeting object to be generated from the Meeting Request object. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000024 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentNotAllowPropose Description: Indicates whether attendees are not allowed to propose a new date and/or time for the meeting. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000825A Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentProposalNumber Description: Specifies the number of attendees who have sent counter proposals that have not been accepted or rejected by the organizer. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008259 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentProposedDuration Description: Indicates the proposed value for the PidLidAppointmentDuration property (section 2.11) for a counter proposal. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008256 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentProposedEndWhole Description: Specifies the proposed value for the PidLidAppointmentEndWhole property (section 2.14) for a counter proposal. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008251 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentProposedStartWhole Description: Specifies the proposed value for the PidLidAppointmentStartWhole property (section 2.29) for a counter proposal. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008250 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentRecur Description: Specifies the dates and times when a recurring series occurs. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008216 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentReplyName Description: Specifies the user who last replied to the meeting request or meeting update. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008230 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentReplyTime Description: Specifies the date and time at which the attendee responded to a received meeting request or Meeting Update object. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008220 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentSequence Description: Specifies the sequence number of a Meeting object. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008201 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentSequenceTime Description: Indicates the date and time at which the PidLidAppointmentSequence property (section 2.25) was last modified. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008202 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentStartDate Description: Identifies the date that the appointment starts. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008212 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentStartTime Description: Identifies the time that the appointment starts. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000820F Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentStartWhole Description: Specifies the start date and time of the appointment. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000820D Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentStateFlags Description: Specifies a bit field that describes the state of the object. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008217 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentSubType Description: Specifies whether the event is an all-day event. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008215 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionEndDisplay Description: Specifies time zone information that indicates the time zone of the PidLidAppointmentEndWhole property (section 2.14). Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000825F Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionRecur Description: Specifies time zone information that describes how to convert the meeting date and time on a recurring series to and from UTC. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008260 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionStartDisplay Description: Specifies time zone information that indicates the time zone of the PidLidAppointmentStartWhole property (section 2.29). Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000825E Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentUnsendableRecipients Description: Contains a list of unsendable attendees. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000825D Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentUpdateTime Description: Indicates the time at which the appointment was last updated. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008226 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAttendeeCriticalChange Description: Specifies the date and time at which the meeting-related object was sent. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000001 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAutoFillLocation Description: Indicates whether the value of the PidLidLocation property (section 2.159) is set to the PidTagDisplayName property (section 2.670). Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000823A Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAutoLog Description: Specifies to the application whether to create a Journal object for each action associated with this Contact object. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008025 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidAutoProcessState Description: Specifies the options used in the automatic processing of email messages. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000851A Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidAutoStartCheck Description: Specifies whether to automatically start the conferencing application when a reminder for the start of a meeting is executed. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008244 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidBilling Description: Specifies billing information for the contact. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008535 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidBirthdayEventEntryId Description: Specifies the EntryID of an optional Appointment object that represents the birthday of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000804D Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidBirthdayLocal Description: Specifies the birthday of a contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080DE Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidBusinessCardCardPicture Description: Contains the image to be used on a business card. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008041 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidBusinessCardDisplayDefinition Description: Contains user customization details for displaying a contact as a business card. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008040 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidBusyStatus Description: Specifies the availability of a user for the event described by the object. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008205 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidCalendarType Description: Contains the value of the CalendarType field from the PidLidAppointmentRecur property (section 2.22). Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000001C Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidCategories Description: Contains the array of text labels assigned to this Message object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00009000 Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: Common Canonical name: PidLidCcAttendeesString Description: Contains a list of all the sendable attendees who are also optional attendees. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000823C Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidChangeHighlight Description: Specifies a bit field that indicates how the Meeting object has changed. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008204 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidClassification Description: Contains a list of the classification categories to which the associated Message object has been assigned. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085B6 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidClassificationDescription Description: Contains a human-readable summary of each of the classification categories included in the PidLidClassification property (section 2.53). Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085B7 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidClassificationGuid Description: Contains the GUID that identifies the list of email classification categories used by a Message object. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085B8 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidClassificationKeep Description: Indicates whether the message uses any classification categories. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085BA Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidClassified Description: Indicates whether the contents of this message are regarded as classified information. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085B5 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidCleanGlobalObjectId Description: Contains the value of the PidLidGlobalObjectId property (section 2.142) for an object that represents an Exception object to a recurring series, where the Year, Month, and Day fields are all zero. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000023 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidClientIntent Description: Indicates what actions the user has taken on this Meeting object. Property set: PSETID_CalendarAssistant {11000E07-B51B-40D6-AF21-CAA85EDAB1D0} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000015 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidClipEnd Description: Specifies the end date and time of the event in UTC. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008236 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidClipStart Description: Specifies the start date and time of the event in UTC. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008235 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidCollaborateDoc Description: Specifies the document to be launched when the user joins the meeting. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008247 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidCommonEnd Description: Indicates the end time for the Message object. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008517 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidCommonStart Description: Indicates the start time for the Message object. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008516 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidCompanies Description: Contains a list of company names, each of which is associated with a contact that is specified in the PidLidContacts property ( section Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008539 Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidConferencingCheck Description: Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008240 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidConferencingType Description: Specifies the type of the meeting. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008241 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidContactCharacterSet Description: Specifies the character set used for a Contact object. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008023 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactItemData Description: Specifies the visible fields in the application's user interface that are used to help display the contact information. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008007 Data type: PtypMultipleInteger32, 0x1003 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkedGlobalAddressListEntryId Description: Specifies the EntryID of the GAL contact to which the duplicate contact is linked. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080E2 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkEntry Description: Contains the elements of the PidLidContacts property (section 2.77). Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008585 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkGlobalAddressListLinkId Description: Specifies the GUID of the GAL contact to which the duplicate contact is linked. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080E8 Data type: PtypGuid, 0x0048 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkGlobalAddressListLinkState Description: Specifies the state of the linking between the GAL contact and the duplicate contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080E6 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkLinkRejectHistory Description: Contains a list of GAL contacts that were previously rejected for linking with the duplicate contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080E5 Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkName Description: Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008586 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkSearchKey Description: Contains the list of SearchKeys for a Contact object linked to by the Message object. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008584 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkSMTPAddressCache Description: Contains a list of the SMTP addresses that are used by the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080E3 Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContacts Description: Contains the PidTagDisplayName property (section 2.670) of each Address Book EntryID referenced in the value of the PidLidContactLinkEntry property (section 2.70). Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000853A Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactUserField1 Description: Contains text used to add custom text to a business card representation of a Contact object. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000804F Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactUserField2 Description: Contains text used to add custom text to a business card representation of a Contact object. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008050 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactUserField3 Description: Contains text used to add custom text to a business card representation of a Contact object. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008051 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactUserField4 Description: Contains text used to add custom text to a business card representation of a Contact object. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008052 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidConversationActionLastAppliedTime Description: Contains the time, in UTC, that an Email object was last received in the conversation, or the last time that the user modified the conversation action, whichever occurs later. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085CA Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Conversation Actions Canonical name: PidLidConversationActionMaxDeliveryTime Description: Contains the maximum value of the PidTagMessageDeliveryTime property (section2.783) of all of the Email objects modified in response to the last time that the user changed a conversation action on the client. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085C8 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Conversation Actions Canonical name: PidLidConversationActionMoveFolderEid Description: Contains the EntryID for the destination folder. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085C6 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Conversation Actions Canonical name: PidLidConversationActionMoveStoreEid Description: Contains the EntryID for a move to a folder in a different message store. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085C7 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Conversation Actions Canonical name: PidLidConversationActionVersion Description: Contains the version of the conversation action FAI message. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085CB Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Conversation Actions Canonical name: PidLidConversationProcessed Description: Specifies a sequential number to be used in the processing of a conversation action. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085C9 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Conversation Actions Canonical name: PidLidCurrentVersion Description: Specifies the build number of the client application that sent the message. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008552 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidCurrentVersionName Description: Specifies the name of the client application that sent the message. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008554 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidDayInterval Description: Identifies the day interval for the recurrence pattern. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000011 Data type: PtypInteger16, 0x0002 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidDayOfMonth Description: Identifies the day of the month for the appointment or meeting. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00001000 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidDelegateMail Description: Indicates whether a delegate responded to the meeting request. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000009 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidDepartment Description: This property is ignored by the server and is set to an empty string by the client. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008010 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidDirectory Description: Specifies the directory server to be used. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008242 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidDistributionListChecksum Description: Specifies the 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) polynomial checksum, as specified in [ISO/IEC8802-3], calculated on the value of the PidLidDistributionListMembers property (section 2.96). Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000804C Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidDistributionListMembers Description: Specifies the list of EntryIDs of the objects corresponding to the members of the personal distribution list. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008055 Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidDistributionListName Description: Specifies the name of the personal distribution list. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008053 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidDistributionListOneOffMembers Description: Specifies the list of one-off EntryIDs corresponding to the members of the personal distribution list. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008054 Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidDistributionListStream Description: Specifies the list of EntryIDs and one-off EntryIDs corresponding to the members of the personal distribution list. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008064 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail1AddressType Description: Specifies the address type of an electronic address. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008082 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail1DisplayName Description: Specifies the user-readable display name for the email address. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008080 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail1EmailAddress Description: Specifies the email address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008083 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail1OriginalDisplayName Description: Specifies the SMTP email address that corresponds to the email address for the Contact object. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008084 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties EXSCHEMA_MAPI_EMAIL1ORIGINALDISPLAYNAME Canonical name: PidLidEmail1OriginalEntryId Description: Specifies the EntryID of the object corresponding to this electronic address. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008085 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail2AddressType Description: Specifies the address type of the electronic address. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008092 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail2DisplayName Description: Specifies the user-readable display name for the email address. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008090 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail2EmailAddress Description: Specifies the email address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008093 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail2OriginalDisplayName Description: Specifies the SMTP email address that corresponds to the email address for the Contact object. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008094 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail2OriginalEntryId Description: Specifies the EntryID of the object that corresponds to this electronic address. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008095 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail3AddressType Description: Specifies the address type of the electronic address. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080A2 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail3DisplayName Description: Specifies the user-readable display name for the email address. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080A0 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail3EmailAddress Description: Specifies the email address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080A3 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail3OriginalDisplayName Description: Specifies the SMTP email address that corresponds to the email address for the Contact object. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080A4 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail3OriginalEntryId Description: Specifies the EntryID of the object that corresponds to this electronic address. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080A5 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEndRecurrenceDate Description: Identifies the end date of the recurrence range. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000000F Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidEndRecurrenceTime Description: Identifies the end time of the recurrence range. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000010 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidExceptionReplaceTime Description: Specifies the date and time, in UTC, within a recurrence pattern that an exception will replace. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008228 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidFax1AddressType Description: Contains the string value "FAX". Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080B2 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax1EmailAddress Description: Contains a user-readable display name, followed by the "@" character, followed by a fax number. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080B3 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax1OriginalDisplayName Description: Contains the same value as the PidTagNormalizedSubject property (section 2.806). Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080B4 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax1OriginalEntryId Description: Specifies a one-off EntryID that corresponds to this fax address. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080B5 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax2AddressType Description: Contains the string value "FAX". Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080C2 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax2EmailAddress Description: Contains a user-readable display name, followed by the "@" character, followed by a fax number. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080C3 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax2OriginalDisplayName Description: Contains the same value as the PidTagNormalizedSubject property (section 2.806). Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080C4 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax2OriginalEntryId Description: Specifies a one-off EntryID corresponding to this fax address. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080C5 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax3AddressType Description: Contains the string value "FAX". Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080D2 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax3EmailAddress Description: Contains a user-readable display name, followed by the "@" character, followed by a fax number. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080D3 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax3OriginalDisplayName Description: Contains the same value as the PidTagNormalizedSubject property (section 2.806). Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080D4 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax3OriginalEntryId Description: Specifies a one-off EntryID that corresponds to this fax address. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080D5 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFExceptionalAttendees Description: Indicates that the object is a Recurring Calendar object with one or more exceptions, and that at least one of the Exception Embedded Message objects has at least one RecipientRow structure, as described in section 2.8.3. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000822B Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidFExceptionalBody Description: Indicates that the Exception Embedded Message object has a body that differs from the Recurring Calendar object. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008206 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidFileUnder Description: Specifies the name under which to file a contact when displaying a list of contacts. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008005 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFileUnderId Description: Specifies how to generate and recompute the value of the PidLidFileUnder property (section 2.132) when other contact name properties change. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008006 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFileUnderList Description: Specifies a list of possible values for the PidLidFileUnderId property (section 2.133). Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008026 Data type: PtypMultipleInteger32, 0x1003 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFInvited Description: Indicates whether invitations have been sent for the meeting that this Meeting object represents. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008229 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidFlagRequest Description: Contains user-specifiable text to be associated with the flag. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008530 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Flagging Canonical name: PidLidFlagString Description: Contains an index identifying one of a set of pre-defined text strings to be associated with the flag. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085C0 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidForwardInstance Description: Indicates whether the Meeting Request object represents an exception to a recurring series, and whether it was forwarded (even when forwarded by the organizer) rather than being an invitation sent by the organizer. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000820A Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidForwardNotificationRecipients Description: Contains a list of RecipientRow structures, as described in section 2.8.3, that indicate the recipients of a meeting forward. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008261 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidFOthersAppointment Description: Indicates whether the Calendar folder from which the meeting was opened is another user's calendar. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000822F Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidFreeBusyLocation Description: Specifies a URL path from which a client can retrieve free/busy status information for the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080D8 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidGlobalObjectId Description: Contains an ID for an object that represents an exception to a recurring series. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000003 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidHasPicture Description: Specifies whether the attachment has a picture. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008015 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidHomeAddress Description: Specifies the complete address of the home address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000801A Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidHomeAddressCountryCode Description: Specifies the country code portion of the home address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080DA Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidHtml Description: Specifies the business webpage URL of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000802B Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidICalendarDayOfWeekMask Description: Identifies the day of the week for the appointment or meeting. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00001001 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidInboundICalStream Description: Contains the contents of the iCalendar MIME part of the original MIME message. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000827A Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidInfoPathFormName Description: Contains the name of the form associated with this message. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085B1 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidLidInstantMessagingAddress Description: Specifies the instant messaging address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008062 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidIntendedBusyStatus Description: Contains the value of the PidLidBusyStatus property (section 2.47) on the Meeting object in the organizer's calendar at the time that the Meeting Request object or Meeting Update object was sent. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008224 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidInternetAccountName Description: Specifies the user-visible email account name through which the email message is sent. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008580 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidInternetAccountStamp Description: Specifies the email account ID through which the email message is sent. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008581 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidIsContactLinked Description: Specifies whether the contact is linked to other contacts. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080E0 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidIsException Description: Indicates whether the object represents an exception (including an orphan instance). Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000000A Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidIsRecurring Description: Specifies whether the object is associated with a recurring series. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000005 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidIsSilent Description: Indicates whether the user did not include any text in the body of the Meeting Response object. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000004 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidLinkedTaskItems Description: Indicates whether the user did not include any text in the body of the Meeting Response object. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000820C Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidLocation Description: Specifies the location of the event. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008208 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidLogDocumentPosted Description: Indicates whether the document was sent by email or posted to a server folder during journaling. Property set: PSETID_Log {0006200A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008711 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogDocumentPrinted Description: Indicates whether the document was printed during journaling. Property set: PSETID_Log {0006200A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000870E Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogDocumentRouted Description: Indicates whether the document was sent to a routing recipient during journaling. Property set: PSETID_Log {0006200A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008710 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogDocumentSaved Description: Indicates whether the document was saved during journaling. Property set: PSETID_Log {0006200A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000870F Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogDuration Description: Contains the duration, in minutes, of the activity. Property set: PSETID_Log {0006200A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008707 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogEnd Description: Contains the time, in UTC, at which the activity ended. Property set: PSETID_Log {0006200A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008708 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogFlags Description: Contains metadata about the Journal object. Property set: PSETID_Log {0006200A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000870C Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogStart Description: Contains the time, in UTC, at which the activity began. Property set: PSETID_Log {0006200A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008706 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogType Description: Briefly describes the journal activity that is being recorded. Property set: PSETID_Log {0006200A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008700 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogTypeDesc Description: Contains an expanded description of the journal activity that is being recorded. Property set: PSETID_Log {0006200A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008712 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidMeetingType Description: Indicates the type of Meeting Request object or Meeting Update object. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000026 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidMeetingWorkspaceUrl Description: Specifies the URL of the Meeting Workspace that is associated with a Calendar object. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008209 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidMonthInterval Description: Indicates the monthly interval of the appointment or meeting. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000013 Data type: PtypInteger16, 0x0002 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidMonthOfYear Description: Indicates the month of the year in which the appointment or meeting occurs. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00001006 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidMonthOfYearMask Description: Indicates the calculated month of the year in which the appointment or meeting occurs. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000017 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidNetShowUrl Description: Specifies the URL to be launched when the user joins the meeting. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008248 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidNoEndDateFlag Description: Indicates whether the recurrence pattern has an end date. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000100B Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidNonSendableBcc Description: Contains a list of all of the unsendable attendees who are also resources. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008538 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidNonSendableCc Description: Contains a list of all of the unsendable attendees who are also optional attendees. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008537 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidNonSendableTo Description: Contains a list of all of the unsendable attendees who are also required attendees. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008536 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidNonSendBccTrackStatus Description: Contains the value from the response table. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008545 Data type: PtypMultipleInteger32, 0x1003 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidNonSendCcTrackStatus Description: Contains the value from the response table. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008544 Data type: PtypMultipleInteger32, 0x1003 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidNonSendToTrackStatus Description: Contains the value from the response table. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008543 Data type: PtypMultipleInteger32, 0x1003 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidNoteColor Description: Specifies the suggested background color of the Note object. Property set: PSETID_Note {0006200E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008B00 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sticky Notes Canonical name: PidLidNoteHeight Description: Specifies the height of the visible message window in pixels. Property set: PSETID_Note {0006200E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008B03 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sticky Notes Canonical name: PidLidNoteWidth Description: Specifies the width of the visible message window in pixels. Property set: PSETID_Note {0006200E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008B02 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sticky Notes Canonical name: PidLidNoteX Description: Specifies the distance, in pixels, from the left edge of the screen that a user interface displays a Note object. Property set: PSETID_Note {0006200E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008B04 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sticky Notes Canonical name: PidLidNoteY Description: Specifies the distance, in pixels, from the top edge of the screen that a user interface displays a Note object. Property set: PSETID_Note {0006200E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008B05 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sticky Notes Canonical name: PidLidOccurrences Description: Indicates the number of occurrences in the recurring appointment or meeting. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00001005 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidOldLocation Description: Indicates the original value of the PidLidLocation property (section 2.159) before a meeting update. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000028 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOldRecurrenceType Description: Indicates the recurrence pattern for the appointment or meeting. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000018 Data type: PtypInteger16, 0x0002 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOldWhenEndWhole Description: Indicates the original value of the PidLidAppointmentEndWhole property (section 2.14) before a meeting update. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000002A Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOldWhenStartWhole Description: Indicates the original value of the PidLidAppointmentStartWhole property (section 2.29) before a meeting update. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000029 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOnlinePassword Description: Specifies the password for a meeting on which the PidLidConferencingType property (section 2.66) has the value 0x00000002. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008249 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidOptionalAttendees Description: Specifies optional attendees. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000007 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOrganizerAlias Description: Specifies the email address of the organizer. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008243 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidOriginalStoreEntryId Description: Specifies the EntryID of the delegator’s message store. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008237 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOtherAddress Description: Specifies the complete address of the other address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000801C Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidOtherAddressCountryCode Description: Specifies the country code portion of the other address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080DC Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidOwnerCriticalChange Description: Specifies the date and time at which a Meeting Request object was sent by the organizer. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000001A Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOwnerName Description: Indicates the name of the owner of the mailbox. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000822E Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidPendingStateForSiteMailboxDocument Description: Specifies the synchronization state of the Document object that is in the Document Libraries folder of the site mailbox. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085E0 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Site Mailbox Canonical name: PidLidPercentComplete Description: Indicates whether a time-flagged Message object is complete. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008102 Data type: PtypFloating64, 0x0005 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidPostalAddressId Description: Specifies which physical address is the mailing address for this contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008022 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidPostRssChannel Description: Contains the contents of the title field from the XML of the Atom feed or RSS channel. Property set: PSETID_PostRss {00062041-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008904 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssChannelLink Description: Contains the URL of the RSS or Atom feed from which the XML file came. Property set: PSETID_PostRss {00062041-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008900 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssItemGuid Description: Contains a unique identifier for the RSS object. Property set: PSETID_PostRss {00062041-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008903 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssItemHash Description: Contains a hash of the feed XML computed by using an implementation-dependent algorithm. Property set: PSETID_PostRss {00062041-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008902 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssItemLink Description: Contains the URL of the link from an RSS or Atom item. Property set: PSETID_PostRss {00062041-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008901 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssItemXml Description: Contains the item element and all of its sub-elements from an RSS feed, or the entry element and all of its sub-elements from an Atom feed. Property set: PSETID_PostRss {00062041-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008905 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssSubscription Description: Contains the user's preferred name for the RSS or Atom subscription. Property set: PSETID_PostRss {00062041-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008906 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPrivate Description: Indicates whether the end user wishes for this Message object to be hidden from other users who have access to the Message object. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008506 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidPromptSendUpdate Description: Indicates that the Meeting Response object was out-of-date when it was received. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008045 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Meeting Response Canonical name: PidLidRecurrenceDuration Description: Identifies the length, in minutes, of the appointment or meeting. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000100D Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidRecurrencePattern Description: Specifies a description of the recurrence pattern of the Calendar object. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008232 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidRecurrenceType Description: Specifies the recurrence type of the recurring series. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008231 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidRecurring Description: Specifies whether the object represents a recurring series. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008223 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidReferenceEntryId Description: Specifies the value of the EntryID of the Contact object unless the Contact object is a copy of an earlier original. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085BD Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidReminderDelta Description: Specifies the interval, in minutes, between the time at which the reminder first becomes overdue and the start time of the Calendar object. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008501 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderFileParameter Description: Specifies the filename of the sound that a client is to play when the reminder for that object becomes overdue. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000851F Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderOverride Description: Specifies whether the client is to respect the current values of the PidLidReminderPlaySound property (section 2.221) and the PidLidReminderFileParameter property (section 2.219), or use the default values for those properties. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000851C Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderPlaySound Description: Specifies whether the client is to play a sound when the reminder becomes overdue. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000851E Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderSet Description: Specifies whether a reminder is set on the object. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008503 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderSignalTime Description: Specifies the point in time when a reminder transitions from pending to overdue. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008560 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderTime Description: Specifies the initial signal time for objects that are not Calendar objects. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008502 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderTimeDate Description: Indicates the time and date of the reminder for the appointment or meeting. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008505 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderTimeTime Description: Indicates the time of the reminder for the appointment or meeting. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008504 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderType Description: This property is not set and, if set, is ignored. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000851D Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidRemoteStatus Description: Indicates the remote status of the calendar item. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008511 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Run-time configuration Canonical name: PidLidRequiredAttendees Description: Identifies required attendees for the appointment or meeting. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000006 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidResourceAttendees Description: Identifies resource attendees for the appointment or meeting. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000008 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidResponseStatus Description: Specifies the response status of an attendee. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008218 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidServerProcessed Description: Indicates whether the Meeting Request object or Meeting Update object has been processed. Property set: PSETID_CalendarAssistant {11000E07-B51B-40D6-AF21-CAA85EDAB1D0} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085CC Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidServerProcessingActions Description: Indicates what processing actions have been taken on this Meeting Request object or Meeting Update object. Property set: PSETID_CalendarAssistant {11000E07-B51B-40D6-AF21-CAA85EDAB1D0} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085CD Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidSharingAnonymity Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A19 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingBindingEntryId Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A2D Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingBrowseUrl Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A51 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingCapabilities Description: Indicates that the Message object relates to a special folder. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A17 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingConfigurationUrl Description: Contains a zero-length string. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A24 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingDataRangeEnd Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A45 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingDataRangeStart Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A44 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingDetail Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A2B Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingExtensionXml Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A21 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingFilter Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A13 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingFlags Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A0A Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingFlavor Description: Indicates the type of Sharing Message object. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A18 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingFolderEntryId Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A15 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingIndexEntryId Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A2E Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingInitiatorEntryId Description: Contains the value of the PidTagEntryId property (section 2.677) for the Address Book object of the currently logged-on user. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A09 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingInitiatorName Description: Contains the value of the PidTagDisplayName property (section 2.670) from the Address Book object identified by the PidLidSharingInitiatorEntryId property (section 2.248). Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A07 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingInitiatorSmtp Description: Contains the value of the PidTagSmtpAddress property (section 2.1014) from the Address Book object identified by the PidLidSharingInitiatorEntryId property (section 2.248). Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A08 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingInstanceGuid Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A1C Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLastAutoSyncTime Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A55 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLastSyncTime Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A1F Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLocalComment Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A4D Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLocalLastModificationTime Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A23 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLocalName Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A0F Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLocalPath Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A0E Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLocalStoreUid Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A49 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLocalType Description: Contains the value of the PidTagContainerClass property (section 2.636) of the folder being shared. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A14 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLocalUid Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A10 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingOriginalMessageEntryId Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A29 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingParentBindingEntryId Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A5C Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingParticipants Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A1E Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingPermissions Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A1B Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingProviderExtension Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A0B Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingProviderGuid Description: Contains the value "%xAE.F0.". Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A01 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingProviderName Description: Contains a user-displayable name of the sharing provider identified by the PidLidSharingProviderGuid property (section 2.266). Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A02 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingProviderUrl Description: Contains a URL related to the sharing provider identified by the PidLidSharingProviderGuid property (section 2.266). Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A03 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRangeEnd Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A47 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRangeStart Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A46 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingReciprocation Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A1A Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteByteSize Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A4B Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteComment Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A2F Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteCrc Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A4C Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteLastModificationTime Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A22 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteMessageCount Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A4F Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteName Description: Contains the value of the PidTagDisplayName property (section 2.670) on the folder being shared. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A05 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemotePass Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A0D Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemotePath Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A04 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteStoreUid Description: Contains a hexadecimal string representation of the value of the PidTagStoreEntryId property (section 2.1022) on the folder being shared. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A48 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteType Description: Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingLocalType property (section 2.259). Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A1D Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteUid Description: Contains the EntryID of the folder being shared. Property set: PSTID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A06 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteUser Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A0C Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteVersion Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A5B Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingResponseTime Description: Contains the time at which the recipient of the sharing request sent a sharing response. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A28 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingResponseType Description: Contains the type of response with which the recipient of the sharing request responded. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A27 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRoamLog Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A4E Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingStart Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A25 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingStatus Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A00 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingStop Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A26 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingSyncFlags Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A60 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingSyncInterval Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A2A Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingTimeToLive Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A2C Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingTimeToLiveAuto Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A56 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingWorkingHoursDays Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A42 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingWorkingHoursEnd Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A41 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingWorkingHoursStart Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A40 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingWorkingHoursTimeZone Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PSETID_Sharing {00062040-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008A43 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSideEffects Description: Specifies how a Message object is handled by the client in relation to certain user interface actions by the user, such as deleting a message. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008510 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Run-time configuration Canonical name: PidLidSingleBodyICal Description: Indicates that the original MIME message contained a single MIME part. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000827B Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidSmartNoAttach Description: Indicates whether the Message object has no end-user visible attachments. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008514 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Run-time configuration Canonical name: PidLidSpamOriginalFolder Description: Specifies which folder a message was in before it was filtered into the Junk Email folder. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000859C Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Spam Canonical name: PidLidStartRecurrenceDate Description: Identifies the start date of the recurrence pattern. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000000D Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidStartRecurrenceTime Description: Identifies the start time of the recurrence pattern. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000000E Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidTaskAcceptanceState Description: Indicates the acceptance state of the task. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000812A Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskAccepted Description: Indicates whether a task assignee has replied to a task request for this Task object. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008108 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskActualEffort Description: Indicates the number of minutes that the user actually spent working on a task. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008110 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskAssigner Description: Specifies the name of the user that last assigned the task. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008121 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskAssigners Description: Contains a stack of entries, each of which represents a task assigner. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008117 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskComplete Description: Indicates that the task is complete. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000811C Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskCustomFlags Description: The client can set this property, but it has no impact on the Task-Related Objects Protocol and is ignored by the server. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008139 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskDateCompleted Description: Specifies the date when the user completed work on the task. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000810F Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskDeadOccurrence Description: Indicates whether new occurrences remain to be generated. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008109 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskDueDate Description: Specifies the date by which the user expects work on the task to be complete. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008105 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskEstimatedEffort Description: Indicates the number of minutes that the user expects to work on a task. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008111 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskFCreator Description: Indicates that the Task object was originally created by the action of the current user or user agent instead of by the processing of a task request. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000811E Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskFFixOffline Description: Indicates the accuracy of the PidLidTaskOwner property (section 2.328). Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000812C Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskFRecurring Description: Indicates whether the task includes a recurrence pattern. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008126 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskGlobalId Description: Contains a unique GUID for this task, which is used to locate an existing task upon receipt of a task response or task update. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008519 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskHistory Description: Indicates the type of change that was last made to the Task object. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000811A Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskLastDelegate Description: Contains the name of the user who most recently assigned the task, or the user to whom it was most recently assigned. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008125 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskLastUpdate Description: Contains the date and time of the most recent change made to the Task object. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008115 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskLastUser Description: Contains the name of the most recent user to have been the owner of the task. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008122 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskMode Description: Specifies the assignment status of the embedded Task object. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008518 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskMultipleRecipients Description: Provides optimization hints about the recipients of a Task object. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008120 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskNoCompute Description: Not used. The client can set this property, but it has no impact on the Task-Related Objects Protocol and is ignored by the server. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008124 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskOrdinal Description: Provides an aid to custom sorting of Task objects. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008123 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskOwner Description: Contains the name of the owner of the task. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000811F Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskOwnership Description: Indicates the role of the current user relative to the Task object. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008129 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskRecurrence Description: Contains a RecurrencePattern structure that provides information about recurring tasks. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008116 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskResetReminder Description: Indicates whether future instances of recurring tasks need reminders, even though the value of the PidLidReminderSet property (section 2.222) is 0x00. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008107 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskRole Description: Not used. The client can set this property, but it has no impact on the Task-Related Objects Protocol and is ignored by the server. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008127 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskStartDate Description: Specifies the date on which the user expects work on the task to begin. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008104 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskState Description: Indicates the current assignment state of the Task object. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008113 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskStatus Description: Specifies the status of a task. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008101 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskStatusOnComplete Description: Indicates whether the task assignee has been requested to send an email message update upon completion of the assigned task. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008119 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskUpdates Description: Indicates whether the task assignee has been requested to send a task update when the assigned Task object changes. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000811B Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskVersion Description: Indicates which copy is the latest update of a Task object. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008112 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTeamTask Description: This property is set by the client but is ignored by the server. Property set: PSETID_Task {00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008103 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Tasks Consuming References: Canonical name: PidLidTimeZone Description: Specifies information about the time zone of a recurring meeting. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000000C Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidTimeZoneDescription Description: Specifies a human-readable description of the time zone that is represented by the data in the PidLidTimeZoneStruct property (section 2.342). Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008234 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidTimeZoneStruct Description: Specifies time zone information for a recurring meeting. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008233 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidToAttendeesString Description: Contains a list of all of the sendable attendees who are also required attendees. Property set: PSETID_Appointment {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000823B Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidToDoOrdinalDate Description: Contains the current time, in UTC, which is used to determine the sort order of objects in a consolidated to-do list. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085A0 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidToDoSubOrdinal Description: Contains the numerals 0 through 9 that are used to break a tie when the PidLidToDoOrdinalDate property (section 2.344) is used to perform a sort of objects. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085A1 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidToDoTitle Description: Contains user-specifiable text to identify this Message object in a consolidated to-do list. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085A4 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidUseTnef Description: Specifies whether Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) is to be included on a message when the message is converted from TNEF to MIME or SMTP format. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008582 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Run-time configuration Canonical name: PidLidValidFlagStringProof Description: Contains the value of the PidTagMessageDeliveryTime property (section 2.783) when modifying the PidLidFlagRequest property (section 2.136). Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000085BF Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidVerbResponse Description: Specifies the voting option that a respondent has selected. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008524 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidVerbStream Description: Specifies what voting responses the user can make in response to the message. Property set: PSETID_Common {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008520 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Run-time configuration Canonical name: PidLidWeddingAnniversaryLocal Description: Specifies the wedding anniversary of the contact, at midnight in the client's local time zone, and is saved without any time zone conversions. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080DF Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWeekInterval Description: Identifies the number of weeks that occur between each meeting. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000012 Data type: PtypInteger16, 0x0002 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidWhere Description: Contains the value of the PidLidLocation property (section 2.159) from the associated Meeting object. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000002 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddress Description: Specifies the complete address of the work address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000801B Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressCity Description: Specifies the city or locality portion of the work address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008046 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressCountry Description: Specifies the country or region portion of the work address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008049 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressCountryCode Description: Specifies the country code portion of the work address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x000080DB Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressPostalCode Description: Specifies the postal code (ZIP code) portion of the work address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008048 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressPostOfficeBox Description: Specifies the post office box portion of the work address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000804A Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressState Description: Specifies the state or province portion of the work address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008047 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressStreet Description: Specifies the street portion of the work address of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x00008045 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidYearInterval Description: Indicates the yearly interval of the appointment or meeting. Property set: PSETID_Meeting {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305} Property long ID (LID): 0x00000014 Data type: PtypInteger16, 0x0002 Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidYomiCompanyName Description: Specifies the phonetic pronunciation of the company name of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000802E Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidYomiFirstName Description: Specifies the phonetic pronunciation of the given name of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000802C Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidYomiLastName Description: Specifies the phonetic pronunciation of the surname of the contact. Property set: PSETID_Address {00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property long ID (LID): 0x0000802D Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidNameAcceptLanguage Description: Contains the value of the MIME Accept-Language header. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Accept-Language Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameApplicationName Description: Specifies the application used to open the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: AppName Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameAttachmentMacContentType Description: Contains the Content-Type of the Mac attachment. Property set: PSETID_Attachment {96357F7F-59E1-47D0-99A7-46515C183B54} Property name: AttachmentMacContentType Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidNameAttachmentMacInfo Description: Contains the headers and resource fork data associated with the Mac attachment. Property set: PSETID_Attachment {96357F7F-59E1-47D0-99A7-46515C183B54} Property name: AttachmentMacInfo Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidNameAttachmentOriginalPermissionType Description: Contains the original permission type data associated with a web reference attachment. Property set: PSETID_Attachment {96357F7F-59E1-47D0-99A7-46515C183B54} Property name: AttachmentOriginalPermissionType Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidNameAttachmentPermissionType Description: Contains the permission type data associated with a web reference attachment. Property set: PSETID_Attachment {96357F7F-59E1-47D0-99A7-46515C183B54} Property name: AttachmentPermissionType Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidNameAttachmentProviderType Description: Contains the provider type data associated with a web reference attachment. Property set: PSETID_Attachment {96357F7F-59E1-47D0-99A7-46515C183B54} Property name: AttachmentProviderType Data type: PtypeString, 0x001F Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidNameAudioNotes Description: Contains textual annotations to a voice message after it has been delivered to the user's mailbox. Property set: PSETID_UnifiedMessaging {4442858E-A9E3-4E80-B900-317A210CC15B} Property name: UMAudioNotes Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameAuthor Description: Specifies the author of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Author Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameAutomaticSpeechRecognitionData Description: Contains an unprotected voice message. Property set: PSETID_UnifiedMessaging {4442858E-A9E3-4E80-B900-317A210CC15B} Property name: AsrData Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameByteCount Description: Specifies the size, in bytes, of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: ByteCount Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarAttendeeRole Description: Specifies the role of the attendee. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarBusystatus Description: Specifies whether the attendee is busy at the time of an appointment on their calendar. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarContact Description: Identifies the name of a contact who is an attendee of a meeting. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarContactUrl Description: Identifies the URL where you can access contact information in HTML format. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarCreated Description: Identifies the date and time, in UTC, when the organizer created the appointment or meeting. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarDescriptionUrl Description: Specifies the URL of a resource that contains a description of an appointment or meeting. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarDuration Description: Identifies the duration, in seconds, of an appointment or meeting. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarExceptionDate Description: Identifies a list of dates that are exceptions to a recurring appointment. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypMultipleTime, 0x1040 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarExceptionRule Description: Specifies an exception rule for a recurring appointment. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarGeoLatitude Description: Specifies the geographical latitude of the location of an appointment. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypFloating64, 0x0005 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarGeoLongitude Description: Specifies the geographical longitude of the location of an appointment. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypFloating64, 0x0005 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarInstanceType Description: Specifies the type of an appointment. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarIsOrganizer Description: Specifies whether an attendee is the organizer of an appointment or meeting. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarLastModified Description: Specifies the date and time, in UTC, when an appointment was last modified. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarLocationUrl Description: Specifies a URL with location information in HTML format. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarMeetingStatus Description: Specifies the status of an appointment or meeting. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarMethod Description: Specifies the iCalendar method that is associated with an Appointment object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarProductId Description: Identifies the product that created the iCalendar-formatted stream. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarRecurrenceIdRange Description: Specifies which instances of a recurring appointment are being referred to. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarReminderOffset Description: Identifies the number of seconds before an appointment starts that a reminder is to be displayed. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarResources Description: Identifies a list of resources, such as rooms and video equipment, that are available for an appointment. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarRsvp Description: Specifies whether the organizer of an appointment or meeting requested a response. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarSequence Description: Specifies the sequence number of a version of an appointment. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarTimeZone Description: Specifies the time zone of an appointment or meeting. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarTimeZoneId Description: Specifies the time zone identifier of an appointment or meeting. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarTransparent Description: Specifies whether an appointment or meeting is visible to busy time searches. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarUid Description: Specifies the unique identifier of an appointment or meeting. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarVersion Description: Identifies the version of the iCalendar specification, as specified in section, that is required to correctly interpret an iCalendar object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCategory Description: Specifies the category of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Category Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCharacterCount Description: Specifies the character count of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: CharCount Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameComments Description: Specifies the comments of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Comments Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCompany Description: Specifies the company for which the file was created. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Company Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameContentBase Description: Specifies the value of the MIME Content-Base header, which defines the base URI for resolving relative URLs contained within the message body. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Content-Base Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameContentClass Description: Contains a string that identifies the type of content of a Message object. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Content-Class Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameContentType Description: Specifies the type of the body part content. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Content-Type Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameCreateDateTimeReadOnly Description: Specifies the time, in UTC, that the file was first created. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: CreateDtmRo Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCrossReference Description: Contains the name of the host (with domains omitted) and a white-space-separated list of colon-separated pairs of newsgroup names and message numbers. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Xref Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameDavId Description: Specifies a unique ID for the calendar item. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameDavIsCollection Description: Indicates whether a Calendar object is a collection. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameDavIsStructuredDocument Description: Indicates whether a Calendar object is a structured document. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameDavParentName Description: Specifies the name of the Folder object that contains the Calendar object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameDavUid Description: Specifies the unique identifier for an item. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameDocumentParts Description: Specifies the title of each part of the document. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: DocParts Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameEditTime Description: Specifies the time that the file was last edited. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: EditTime Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchangeIntendedBusyStatus Description: Specifies the intended free/busy status of a meeting in a Meeting request. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchangeJunkEmailMoveStamp Description: Indicates that the message is not to be processed by a spam filter. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Secure Messaging Properties Canonical name: PidNameExchangeModifyExceptionStructure Description: Specifies a structure that modifies an exception to the recurrence. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchangeNoModifyExceptions Description: Indicates whether exceptions to a recurring appointment can be modified. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchangePatternEnd Description: Identifies the maximum time when an instance of a recurring appointment ends. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchangePatternStart Description: Identifies the absolute minimum time when an instance of a recurring appointment starts. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchangeReminderInterval Description: Identifies the time, in seconds, between reminders. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchDatabaseSchema Description: Specifies an array of URLs that identifies other folders within the same message store that contain schema definition items. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchDataExpectedContentClass Description: Specifies an array of names that indicates the expected content classes of items within a folder. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchDataSchemaCollectionReference Description: Specifies an array of names that indicates the expected content classes of items within a folder. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExtractedAddresses Description: Contains an XML document with a single AddressSet element. Property set: PSETID_XmlExtractedEntities {23239608-685D-4732-9C55-4C95CB4E8E33} Property name: XmlExtractedAddresses Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Extracted Entities Canonical name: PidNameExtractedContacts Description: Contains an XML document with a single ContactSet element. Property set: PSETID_XmlExtractedEntities {23239608-685D-4732-9C55-4C95CB4E8E33} Property name: XmlExtractedContacts Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Extracted Entities Canonical name: PidNameExtractedEmails Description: Contains an XML document with a single EmailSet element. Property set: PSETID_XmlExtractedEntities {23239608-685D-4732-9C55-4C95CB4E8E33} Property name: XmlExtractedEmails Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Extracted Entities Canonical name: PidNameExtractedMeetings Description: Contains an XML document with a single MeetingSet element. Property set: PSETID_XmlExtractedEntities {23239608-685D-4732-9C55-4C95CB4E8E33} Property name: XmlExtractedMeetings Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Extracted Entities Canonical name: PidNameExtractedPhones Description: Contains an XML document with a single PhoneSet element. Property set: PSETID_XmlExtractedEntities {23239608-685D-4732-9C55-4C95CB4E8E33} Property name: XmlExtractedPhones Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Extracted Entities Canonical name: PidNameExtractedTasks Description: Contains an XML document with a single TaskSet element. Property set: PSETID_XmlExtractedEntities {23239608-685D-4732-9C55-4C95CB4E8E33} Property name: XmlExtractedTasks Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Extracted Entities Canonical name: PidNameExtractedUrls Description: Contains an XML document with a single UrlSet element. Property set: PSETID_XmlExtractedEntities {23239608-685D-4732-9C55-4C95CB4E8E33} Property name: XmlExtractedUrls Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Extracted Entities Canonical name: PidNameFrom Description: Specifies the SMTP email alias of the organizer of an appointment or meeting. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: From Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameHeadingPairs Description: Specifies which group of headings are indented in the document. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: HeadingPairs Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameHiddenCount Description: Specifies the hidden value of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: HiddenCount Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameHttpmailCalendar Description: Specifies the URL for the Calendar folder for a particular user. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameHttpmailHtmlDescription Description: Specifies the HTML content of the message. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameHttpmailSendMessage Description: Specifies the email submission URI to which outgoing email is submitted. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameICalendarRecurrenceDate Description: Identifies an array of instances of a recurring appointment. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypMultipleTime, 0x1040 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameICalendarRecurrenceRule Description: Specifies the rule for the pattern that defines a recurring appointment. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameInternetSubject Description: Specifies the subject of the message. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Subject Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameKeywords Description: Contains keywords or categories for the Message object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Keywords Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidNameLastAuthor Description: Specifies the most recent author of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: LastAuthor Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameLastPrinted Description: Specifies the time, in UTC, that the file was last printed. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: LastPrinted Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameLastSaveDateTime Description: Specifies the time, in UTC, that the file was last saved. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: LastSaveDtm Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameLineCount Description: Specifies the number of lines in the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: LineCount Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameLinksDirty Description: Indicates whether the links in the document are up-to-date. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: LinksDirty Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameLocationUrl Description: Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Calendar Defining reference: Canonical name: PidNameManager Description: Specifies the manager of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Manager Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameMSIPLabels Description: Contains the string that specifies the CLP label information. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: msip_labels Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameMultimediaClipCount Description: Specifies the number of multimedia clips in the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: MMClipCount Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameNoteCount Description: Specifies the number of notes in the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: NoteCount Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameOMSAccountGuid Description: Contains the GUID of the SMS account used to deliver the message. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: OMSAccountGuid Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: SMS Canonical name: PidNameOMSMobileModel Description: Indicates the model of the mobile device used to send the SMS or MMS message. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: OMSMobileModel Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: SMS Canonical name: PidNameOMSScheduleTime Description: Contains the time, in UTC, at which the client requested that the service provider send the SMS or MMS message. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: OMSScheduleTime Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: SMS Canonical name: PidNameOMSServiceType Description: Contains the type of service used to send an SMS or MMS message. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: OMSServiceType Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: SMS Canonical name: PidNameOMSSourceType Description: Contains the source of an SMS or MMS message. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: OMSSourceType Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: SMS Canonical name: PidNamePageCount Description: Specifies the page count of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: PageCount Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameParagraphCount Description: Specifies the number of paragraphs in the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: ParCount Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNamePhishingStamp Description: Indicates whether a message is likely to be phishing. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Secure Messaging Properties Canonical name: PidNamePresentationFormat Description: Specifies the presentation format of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: PresFormat Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameQuarantineOriginalSender Description: Specifies the original sender of a message. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: quarantine-original-sender Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameRevisionNumber Description: Specifies the revision number of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: RevNumber Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameRightsManagementLicense Description: Specifies the value used to cache the Use License for the rights-managed email message. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: DRMLicense Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102 Area: Secure Messaging Properties Canonical name: PidNameScale Description: Indicates whether the image is to be scaled or cropped. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Scale Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameSecurity Description: Specifies the security level of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Security Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameSlideCount Description: Specifies the number of slides in the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: SlideCount Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameSubject Description: Specifies the subject of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Subject Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameTemplate Description: Specifies the template of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Template Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameThumbnail Description: Specifies the data representing the thumbnail image of the document. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Thumbnail Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameTitle Description: Specifies the title of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: Title Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameWordCount Description: Specifies the word count of the file attached to the Document object. Property set: PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: WordCount Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameXCallId Description: Contains a unique identifier associated with the phone call. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-CallID Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameXFaxNumberOfPages Description: Specifies how many discrete pages are contained within an attachment representing a facsimile message. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-FaxNumberOfPages Data type: PtypInteger16, 0x0002 Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameXRequireProtectedPlayOnPhone Description: Indicates that the client only renders the message on a phone. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-RequireProtectedPlayOnPhone Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameXSenderTelephoneNumber Description: Contains the telephone number of the caller associated with a voice mail message. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-CallingTelephoneNumber Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameXSharingBrowseUrl Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-Sharing-Browse-Url Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingCapabilities Description: Contains a string representation of the value of the PidLidSharingCapabilities property (section 2.237). Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-Sharing-Capabilities Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingConfigUrl Description: Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingConfigurationUrl property (section 2.238). Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-Sharing-Config-Url Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingExendedCaps Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-Sharing-Exended-Caps Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingFlavor Description: Contains a hexadecimal string representation of the value of the PidLidSharingFlavor property (section 2.245). Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-Sharing-Flavor Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingInstanceGuid Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-Sharing-Instance-Guid Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingLocalType Description: Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingLocalType property (section 2.259). Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-Sharing-Local-Type Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingProviderGuid Description: Contains the hexadecimal string representation of the value of the PidLidSharingProviderGuid property (section 2.266). Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-Sharing-Provider-Guid Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingProviderName Description: Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingProviderName property (section 2.267). Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-Sharing-Provider-Name Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingProviderUrl Description: Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingProviderUrl property (section 2.268). Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-Sharing-Provider-Url Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingRemoteName Description: Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingRemoteName property (section 2.277). Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-Sharing-Remote-Name Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingRemotePath Description: Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-Sharing-Remote-Path Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingRemoteStoreUid Description: Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingRemoteStoreUid property (section 2.282). Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-Sharing-Remote-Store-Uid Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingRemoteType Description: Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingRemoteType property (section 2.281). Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-Sharing-Remote-Type Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingRemoteUid Description: Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingRemoteUid property (section 2.282). Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-Sharing-Remote-Uid Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXVoiceMessageAttachmentOrder Description: Contains the list of names for the audio file attachments that are to be played as part of a message, in reverse order. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-AttachmentOrder Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameXVoiceMessageDuration Description: Specifies the length of the attached audio message, in seconds. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-VoiceMessageDuration Data type: PtypInteger16, 0x0002 Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameXVoiceMessageSenderName Description: Contains the name of the caller who left the attached voice message, as provided by the voice network's caller ID system. Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Property name: X-VoiceMessageSenderName Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidTagAccess Description: Indicates the operations available to the client for the object. Property ID: 0x0FF4 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagAccessControlListData Description: Contains a permissions list for a folder. Property ID: 0x3FE0 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagAccessLevel Description: Indicates the client's access level to the object. Property ID: 0x0FF7 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagAccount Description: Contains the alias of an Address Book object, which is an alternative name by which the object can be identified. Property ID: 0x3A00 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAdditionalRenEntryIds Description: Contains the indexed entry IDs for several special folders related to conflicts, sync issues, local failures, server failures, junk email and spam. Property ID: 0x36D8 Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102 Area: Outlook Application Canonical name: PidTagAdditionalRenEntryIdsEx Description: Contains an array of blocks that specify the EntryIDs of several special folders. Property ID: 0x36D9 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Outlook Application Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookAuthorizedSenders Description: Indicates whether delivery restrictions exist for a recipient. Property ID: 0x8CD8 Data type: PtypObject, 0x000D Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookContainerId Description: Contains the ID of a container on an NSPI server. Property ID: 0xFFFD Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDeliveryContentLength Description: Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of a message that a recipient can receive. Property ID: 0x806A Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDisplayNamePrintable Description: Contains the printable string version of the display name. Property ID: 0x39FF Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book , PR_EMS_AB_DISPLAY_NAME_PRINTABLE_A, PR_EMS_AB_DISPLAY_NAME_PRINTABLE_W, PR_7BIT_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_7BIT_DISPLAY_NAME_A, PR_7BIT_DISPLAY_NAME_W, ptagSimpleDisplayName Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDisplayTypeExtended Description: Contains a value that indicates how to display an Address Book object in a table or as a recipient on a message. Property ID: 0x8C93 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDistributionListExternalMemberCount Description: Contains the number of external recipients in the distribution list. Property ID: 0x8CE3 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Address Book Defining reference: section Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDistributionListMemberCount Description: Contains the total number of recipients in the distribution list. Property ID: 0x8CE2 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDistributionListMemberSubmitAccepted Description: Indicates that delivery restrictions exist for a recipient. Property ID: 0x8073 Data type: PtypObject, 0x000D Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDistributionListMemberSubmitRejected Description: Indicates that delivery restrictions exist for a recipient. Property ID: 0x8CDA Data type: PtypObject, 0x000D Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDistributionListRejectMessagesFromDLMembers Description: Indicates that delivery restrictions exist for a recipient. Property ID: 0x8CDB Data type: PtypObject, 0x000D Area: Address book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookEntryId Description: Contains the name-service EntryID of a directory object that refers to a public folder. Property ID: 0x663B Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute1 Description: Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Property ID: 0x802D Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_1_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_1_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute10 Description: Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Property ID: 0x8036 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_10_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_10_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute11 Description: Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Property ID: 0x8C57 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_11_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_11_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute12 Description: Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Property ID: 0x8C58 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_12_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_12_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute13 Description: Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Property ID: 0x8C59 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_13_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_13_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute14 Description: Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Property ID: 0x8C60 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_14_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_14_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute15 Description: Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Property ID: 0x8C61 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_15_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_15_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute2 Description: Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Property ID: 0x802E Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_2_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_2_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute3 Description: Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Property ID: 0x802F Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_3_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_3_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute4 Description: Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Property ID: 0x8030 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_4_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_4_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute5 Description: Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Property ID: 0x8031 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_5_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_5_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute6 Description: Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Property ID: 0x8032 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_6_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_6_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute7 Description: Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Property ID: 0x8033 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_7_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_7_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute8 Description: Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Property ID: 0x8034 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_8_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_8_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute9 Description: Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Property ID: 0x8035 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_9_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_9_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookFolderPathname Description: This property is deprecated and is to be ignored. Property ID: 0x8004 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_FOLDER_PATHNAME_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookHierarchicalChildDepartments Description: Contains the child departments in a hierarchy of departments. Property ID: 0x8C9A Data type: PtypEmbeddedTable, 0x000D Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookHierarchicalDepartmentMembers Description: Contains all of the mail users that belong to this department. Property ID: 0x8C97 Data type: PtypEmbeddedTable, 0x000D Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookHierarchicalIsHierarchicalGroup Description: Indicates whether the distribution list represents a departmental group. Property ID: 0x8CDD Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookHierarchicalParentDepartment Description: Contains all of the departments to which this department is a child. Property ID: 0x8C99 Data type: PtypEmbeddedTable, 0x000D Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookHierarchicalRootDepartment Description: Contains the distinguished name (DN) of either the root Department object or the root departmental group in the department hierarchy for the organization. Property ID: 0x8C98 Data type: PtypString8, 0x001E Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookHierarchicalShowInDepartments Description: Lists all Department objects of which the mail user is a member. Property ID: 0x8C94 Data type: PtypEmbeddedTable, 0x000D Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookHomeMessageDatabase Description: Contains the DN expressed in the X500 DN format. This property is returned from a name service provider interface (NSPI) server as a PtypEmbeddedTable. Otherwise, the data type is PtypString8. Property ID: 0x8006 Data type: PtypString8, 0x001EPtypEmbeddedTable, 0x000D Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MDB_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookIsMaster Description: Contains a Boolean value of TRUE if it is possible to create Address Book objects in that container, and FALSE otherwise. Property ID: 0xFFFB Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookIsMemberOfDistributionList Description: Lists all of the distribution lists for which the object is a member. This property is returned from an NSPI server as a PtypEmbeddedTable. Otherwise, the data type is PtypString8. Property ID: 0x8008 Data type: PtypString8, 0x001E; PtypEmbeddedTable, 0x000D Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_IS_MEMBER_OF_DL_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookManageDistributionList Description: Contains information for use in display templates for distribution lists. Property ID: 0x6704 Data type: PtypObject, 0x000D Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookManager Description: Contains one row that references the mail user's manager. Property ID: 0x8005 Data type: PtypObject, 0x000D Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookManagerDistinguishedName Description: Contains the DN of the mail user's manager. Property ID: 0x8005 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookMember Description: Contains the members of the distribution list. Property ID: 0x8009 Data type: PtypEmbeddedTable, 0x000D Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookMessageId Description: Contains the Short-term Message ID (MID) ( section of the first message in the local site's offline address book public folder. Property ID: 0x674F Data type: PtypInteger64, 0x0014 Area: ProviderDefinedNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookModerationEnabled Description: Indicates whether moderation is enabled for the mail user or distribution list. Property ID: 0x8CB5 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookNetworkAddress Description: Contains a list of names by which a server is known to the various transports in use by the network. Property ID: 0x8170 Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_NETWORK_ADDRESS_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookObjectDistinguishedName Description: Contains the DN of the Address Book object. Property ID: 0x803C Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_OBJ_DIST_NAME_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookObjectGuid Description: Contains a GUID that identifies an Address Book object. Property ID: 0x8C6D Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookOrganizationalUnitRootDistinguishedName Description: Contains the DN of the Organization object of the mail user's organization. Property ID: 0x8CA8 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookOwner Description: Contains one row that references the distribution list's owner. Property ID: 0x800C Data type: PtypEmbeddedTable, 0x000D Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookOwnerBackLink Description: Contains a list of the distribution lists owned by a mail user. Property ID: 0x8024 Data type: PtypEmbeddedTable, 0x000D Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookParentEntryId Description: Contains the EntryID of the parent container in a hierarchy of address book containers. Property ID: 0xFFFC Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookPhoneticCompanyName Description: Contains the phonetic representation of the PidTagCompanyName property (section 2.633). Property ID: 0x8C91 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_COMPANY_NAME_A, PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_COMPANY_NAME_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookPhoneticDepartmentName Description: Contains the phonetic representation of the PidTagDepartmentName property (section 2.666). Property ID: 0x8C90 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_DEPARTMENT_NAME_A, PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_DEPARTMENT_NAME_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookPhoneticDisplayName Description: Contains the phonetic representation of the PidTagDisplayName property (section 2.670). Property ID: 0x8C92 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_DISPLAY_NAME_A, PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_DISPLAY_NAME_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookPhoneticGivenName Description: Contains the phonetic representation of the PidTagGivenName property (section 2.708). Property ID: 0x8C8E Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_GIVEN_NAME_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookPhoneticSurname Description: Contains the phonetic representation of the PidTagSurname property (section 2.1030). Property ID: 0x8C8F Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_SURNAME_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookProxyAddresses Description: Contains alternate email addresses for the Address Book object. Property ID: 0x800F Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookPublicDelegates Description: Contains a list of mail users who are allowed to send email on behalf of the mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x8015 Data type: PtypEmbeddedTable, 0x000D Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_PUBLIC_DELEGATES_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookReports Description: Lists all of the mail user’s direct reports. Property ID: 0x800E Data type: PtypEmbeddedTable, 0x000D Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookRoomCapacity Description: Contains the maximum occupancy of the room. Property ID: 0x0807 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookRoomContainers Description: Contains a list of DNs that represent the address book containers that hold Resource objects, such as conference rooms and equipment. Property ID: 0x8C96 Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_ROOM_CONTAINERS_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookRoomDescription Description: Contains a description of the Resource object. Property ID: 0x0809 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_ROOM_DESCRIPTION_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookSenderHintTranslations Description: Contains the locale ID and translations of the default mail tip. Property ID: 0x8CAC Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookSeniorityIndex Description: Contains a signed integer that specifies the seniority order of Address Book objects that represent members of a department and are referenced by a Department object or departmental group, with larger values specifying members that are more senior. Property ID: 0x8CA0 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookTargetAddress Description: Contains the foreign system email address of an Address Book object. Property ID: 0x8011 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book PR_EMS_AB_TARGET_ADDRESS_W Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookUnauthorizedSenders Description: Indicates whether delivery restrictions exist for a recipient. Property ID: 0x8CD9 Data type: PtypObject, 0x000D Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookX509Certificate Description: Contains the ASN_1 DER encoded X.509 certificates for the mail user. Property ID: 0x8C6A Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102 Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressType Description: Contains the email address type of a Message object. Property ID: 0x3002 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagAlternateRecipientAllowed Description: Specifies whether the sender permits the message to be auto-forwarded. Property ID: 0x0002 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagAnr Description: Contains a filter value used in ambiguous name resolution. Property ID: 0x360C Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagArchiveDate Description: Specifies the date, in UTC, after which a Message object is archived by the server. Property ID: 0x301F Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagArchivePeriod Description: Specifies the number of days that a Message object can remain unarchived. Property ID: 0x301E Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagArchiveTag Description: Specifies the GUID of an archive tag. Property ID: 0x3018 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagAssistant Description: Contains the name of the mail user's administrative assistant. Property ID: 0x3A30 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagAssistantTelephoneNumber Description: Contains the telephone number of the mail user's administrative assistant. Property ID: 0x3A2E Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties PR_ASSISTANT_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Canonical name: PidTagAssociated Description: Specifies whether the message being synchronized is an FAI message. Property ID: 0x67AA Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Sync Canonical name: PidTagAttachAdditionalInformation Description: Contains attachment encoding information. Property ID: 0x370F Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachContentBase Description: Contains the base of a relative URI. Property ID: 0x3711 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachContentId Description: Contains a content identifier unique to the Message object that matches a corresponding cid URI schema reference in the HTML body of the Message object. Property ID: 0x3712 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachContentLocation Description: Contains a relative or full URI that matches a corresponding reference in the HTML body of a Message object. Property ID: 0x3713 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Attachment Properties PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_LOCATION_W Canonical name: PidTagAttachDataBinary Description: Contains the contents of the file to be attached. Property ID: 0x3701 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachDataObject Description: Contains the binary representation of the Attachment object in an application-specific format. Property ID: 0x3701 Data type: PtypObject, 0x000D Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachEncoding Description: Contains encoding information about the Attachment object. Property ID: 0x3702 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachExtension Description: Contains a file name extension that indicates the document type of an attachment. Property ID: 0x3703 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachFilename Description: Contains the of the PidTagAttachLongFilename property (section 2.589). Property ID: 0x3704 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachFlags Description: Indicates which body formats might reference this attachment when rendering data. Property ID: 0x3714 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachLongFilename Description: Contains the full filename and extension of the Attachment object. Property ID: 0x3707 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachLongPathname Description: Contains the fully-qualified path and file name with extension. Property ID: 0x370D Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Attachment Properties ptagAttachLongPathname, PR_ATTACH_LONG_PATHNAME_W Canonical name: PidTagAttachmentContactPhoto Description: Indicates that a contact photo attachment is attached to a Contact object. Property ID: 0x7FFF Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachmentFlags Description: Indicates special handling for an Attachment object. Property ID: 0x7FFD Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachmentHidden Description: Indicates whether an Attachment object is hidden from the end user. Property ID: 0x7FFE Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachmentLinkId Description: Contains the type of Message object to which an attachment is linked. Property ID: 0x7FFA Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachMethod Description: Represents the way the contents of an attachment are accessed. Property ID: 0x3705 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachMimeTag Description: Contains a content-type MIME header. Property ID: 0x370E Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachNumber Description: Identifies the Attachment object within its Message object. Property ID: 0x0E21 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachPathname Description: Contains the of the PidTagAttachLongPathname property (section 2.590). Property ID: 0x3708 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachPayloadClass Description: Contains the class name of an object that can display the contents of the message. Property ID: 0x371A Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Outlook Application Canonical name: PidTagAttachPayloadProviderGuidString Description: Contains the GUID of the software component that can display the contents of the message. Property ID: 0x3719 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Outlook Application Canonical name: PidTagAttachRendering Description: Contains a Windows Metafile, as specified in for the Attachment object. Property ID: 0x3709 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachSize Description: Contains the size, in bytes, consumed by the Attachment object on the server. Property ID: 0x0E20 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachTag Description: Contains the identifier information for the application that supplied the Attachment object data. Property ID: 0x370A Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachTransportName Description: Contains the name of an attachment file, modified so that it can be correlated with TNEF messages. Property ID: 0x370C Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttributeHidden Description: Specifies the hide or show status of a folder. Property ID: 0x10F4 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttributeReadOnly Description: Indicates whether an item can be modified or deleted. Property ID: 0x10F6 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagAutoForwardComment Description: Contains text included in an automatically-generated message. Property ID: 0x0004 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Report Properties Canonical name: PidTagAutoForwarded Description: Indicates that a Message object has been automatically generated or automatically forwarded. Property ID: 0x0005 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: General Report Properties Canonical name: PidTagAutoResponseSuppress Description: Specifies whether a client or server application will forego sending automated replies in response to this message. Property ID: 0x3FDF Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagBirthday Description: Contains the date of the mail user's birthday at midnight. Property ID: 0x3A42 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagBlockStatus Description: Indicates the user's preference for viewing external content (such as links to images on an HTTP server) in the message body. Property ID: 0x1096 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Secure Messaging Properties Canonical name: PidTagBody Description: Contains message body text in plain text format. Property ID: 0x1000 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagBodyContentId Description: Contains a GUID that corresponds to the current message body. Property ID: 0x1015 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Exchange Canonical name: PidTagBodyContentLocation Description: Contains a globally unique Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that serves as a label for the current message body. Property ID: 0x1014 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MIME Properties Canonical name: PidTagBodyHtml Description: Contains the HTML body of the Message object. Property ID: 0x1013 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagBusiness2TelephoneNumber Description: Contains a secondary telephone number at the mail user's place of business. Property ID: 0x3A1B Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties PR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A, PR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W, PR_OFFICE2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Canonical name: PidTagBusiness2TelephoneNumbers Description: Contains secondary telephone numbers at the mail user's place of business. Property ID: 0x3A1B Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagBusinessFaxNumber Description: Contains the telephone number of the mail user's business fax machine. Property ID: 0x3A24 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER_W Canonical name: PidTagBusinessHomePage Description: Contains the URL of the mail user's business home page. Property ID: 0x3A51 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagBusinessTelephoneNumber Description: Contains the primary telephone number of the mail user's place of business. Property ID: 0x3A08 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagCallbackTelephoneNumber Description: Contains a telephone number to reach the mail user. Property ID: 0x3A02 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagCallId Description: Contains a unique identifier associated with the phone call. Property ID: 0x6806 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidTagCarTelephoneNumber Description: Contains the mail user's car telephone number. Property ID: 0x3A1E Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagCdoRecurrenceid Description: Identifies a specific instance of a recurring appointment. Property ID: 0x10C5 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Exchange Canonical name: PidTagChangeKey Description: Contains a structure that identifies the last change to the object. Property ID: 0x65E2 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: History Properties Canonical name: PidTagChangeNumber Description: Contains a structure that identifies the last change to the message or folder that is currently being synchronized. Property ID: 0x67A4 Data type: PtypInteger64, 0x0014 Area: Sync Canonical name: PidTagChildrensNames Description: Specifies the names of the children of the contact. Property ID: 0x3A58 Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagClientActions Description: Specifies the actions the client is required to take on the message. Property ID: 0x6645 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Server-side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagClientSubmitTime Description: Contains the current time, in UTC, when the email message is submitted. Property ID: 0x0039 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Message Time Properties Canonical name: PidTagCodePageId Description: Contains the identifier for the client code page used for Unicode to double-byte character set (DBCS) string conversion. Property ID: 0x66C3 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Exchange Profile Configuration Canonical name: PidTagComment Description: Contains a comment about the purpose or content of the Address Book object. Property ID: 0x3004 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Canonical name: PidTagCompanyMainTelephoneNumber Description: Contains the main telephone number of the mail user's company. Property ID: 0x3A57 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagCompanyName Description: Contains the mail user's company name. Property ID: 0x3A16 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagComputerNetworkName Description: Contains the name of the mail user's computer network. Property ID: 0x3A49 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagConflictEntryId Description: Contains the EntryID of the conflict resolve message. Property ID: 0x3FF0 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: ICS Canonical name: PidTagContainerClass Description: Contains a string value that describes the type of Message object that a folder contains. Property ID: 0x3613 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Container Properties Canonical name: PidTagContainerContents Description: Empty. An NSPI server defines this value for distribution lists and it is not present for other objects. Property ID: 0x360F Data type: PtypEmbeddedTable, 0x000D Area: Container Properties Canonical name: PidTagContainerFlags Description: Contains a bitmask of flags that describe capabilities of an address book container. Property ID: 0x3600 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagContainerHierarchy Description: Identifies all of the subfolders of the current folder. Property ID: 0x360E Data type: PtypObject, 0x000D Area: Container Properties Canonical name: PidTagContentCount Description: Specifies the number of rows under the header row. Property ID: 0x3602 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagContentFilterSpamConfidenceLevel Description: Indicates a confidence level that the message is spam. Property ID: 0x4076 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Secure Messaging Properties Canonical name: PidTagContentUnreadCount Description: Specifies the number of rows under the header row that have the PidTagRead property(section 2.872) set to FALSE. Property ID: 0x3603 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagConversationId Description: Contains a computed value derived from other conversation-related properties. Property ID: 0x3013 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Conversations Canonical name: PidTagConversationIndex Description: Indicates the relative position of this message within a conversation thread. Property ID: 0x0071 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagConversationIndexTracking Description: Indicates whether the GUID portion of the PidTagConversationIndex property(section 2.644) is to be used to compute the PidTagConversationId property (section 2.643). Property ID: 0x3016 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Conversations Canonical name: PidTagConversationTopic Description: Contains an unchanging copy of the original subject. Property ID: 0x0070 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagCountry Description: Contains the name of the mail user's country/region. Property ID: 0x3A26 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagCreationTime Description: Contains the time, in UTC, that the object was created. Property ID: 0x3007 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Message Time Properties Canonical name: PidTagCreatorEntryId Description: Specifies the original author of the message according to their Address Book EntryID. Property ID: 0x3FF9 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagCreatorName Description: Contains the name of the creator of a Message object. Property ID: 0x3FF8 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties PR_CREATOR_NAME_W Canonical name: PidTagCustomerId Description: Contains the mail user's customer identification number. Property ID: 0x3A4A Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagDamBackPatched Description: Indicates whether the Deferred Action Message (DAM) was updated by the server. Property ID: 0x6647 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Server-side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagDamOriginalEntryId Description: Contains the EntryID of the delivered message that the client has to process. Property ID: 0x6646 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Server-side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagDefaultPostMessageClass Description: Contains the message class of the object. Property ID: 0x36E5 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiContainer Canonical name: PidTagDeferredActionMessageOriginalEntryId Description: Contains the server EntryID for the DAM. Property ID: 0x6741 Data type: PtypServerId, 0x00FB Area: Server-side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagDeferredDeliveryTime Description: Contains the date and time, in UTC, at which the sender prefers that the message be delivered. Property ID: 0x000F Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagDeferredSendNumber Description: Contains a number used in the calculation of how long to defer sending a message. Property ID: 0x3FEB Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiStatus Canonical name: PidTagDeferredSendTime Description: Contains the amount of time after which a client would like to defer sending the message. Property ID: 0x3FEF Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: MapiStatus Canonical name: PidTagDeferredSendUnits Description: Specifies the unit of time used as a multiplier with the PidTagDeferredSendNumber property (section 2.657) value. Property ID: 0x3FEC Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiStatus Canonical name: PidTagDelegatedByRule Description: Specifies whether the message was forwarded due to the triggering of a delegate forward rule. Property ID: 0x3FE3 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: MapiStatus Canonical name: PidTagDelegateFlags Description: Indicates whether delegates can view Message objects that are marked as private. Property ID: 0x686B Data type: PtypMultipleInteger32, 0x1003 Area: MessageClassDefinedTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagDeleteAfterSubmit Description: Indicates that the original message is to be deleted after it is sent. Property ID: 0x0E01 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagDeletedCountTotal Description: Contains the total count of messages that have been deleted from a folder, excluding messages deleted within subfolders. Property ID: 0x670B Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Server Canonical name: PidTagDeletedOn Description: Specifies the time, in UTC, when the item or folder was soft deleted. Property ID: 0x668F Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: ExchangeFolder Canonical name: PidTagDeliverTime Description: Contains the delivery time for a delivery status notification, as specified or a message disposition notification, as specified in . Property ID: 0x0010 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagDepartmentName Description: Contains a name for the department in which the mail user works. Property ID: 0x3A18 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagDepth Description: Specifies the number of nested categories in which a given row is contained. Property ID: 0x3005 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiCommon Canonical name: PidTagDisplayBcc Description: Contains a list of blind carbon copy (Bcc) recipient display names. Property ID: 0x0E02 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagDisplayCc Description: Contains a list of carbon copy (Cc) recipient display names. Property ID: 0x0E03 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagDisplayName Description: Contains the display name of the folder. Property ID: 0x3001 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiCommon Canonical name: PidTagDisplayNamePrefix Description: Contains the mail user's honorific title. Property ID: 0x3A45 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagDisplayTo Description: Contains a list of the primary recipient display names, separated by semicolons, when an email message has primary recipients . Property ID: 0x0E04 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagDisplayType Description: Contains an integer value that indicates how to display an Address Book object in a table or as an addressee on a message. Property ID: 0x3900 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiAddressBook Defining reference: section Canonical name: PidTagDisplayTypeEx Description: Contains an integer value that indicates how to display an Address Book object in a table or as a recipient on a message. Property ID: 0x3905 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiAddressBook Canonical name: PidTagEmailAddress Description: Contains the email address of a Message object. Property ID: 0x3003 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiCommon Canonical name: PidTagEndDate Description: Contains the value of the PidLidAppointmentEndWhole property (section 2.14). Property ID: 0x0061 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: MapiEnvelope Property set Canonical name: PidTagEntryId Description: Contains the information to identify many different types of messaging objects. Property ID: 0x0FFF Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagExceptionEndTime Description: Contains the end date and time of the exception in the local time zone of the computer when the exception is created. Property ID: 0x7FFC Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: MessageClassDefinedNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagExceptionReplaceTime Description: Indicates the original date and time, in UTC, at which the instance in the recurrence pattern would have occurred if it were not an exception. Property ID: 0x7FF9 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: MessageClassDefinedNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagExceptionStartTime Description: Contains the start date and time of the exception in the local time zone of the computer when the exception is created. Property ID: 0x7FFB Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: MessageClassDefinedNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagExchangeNTSecurityDescriptor Description: Contains the calculated security descriptor for the item. Property ID: 0x0E84 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Calendar Document Canonical name: PidTagExpiryNumber Description: Contains an integer value that is used along with the PidTagExpiryUnits property(section 2.684) to define the expiry send time. Property ID: 0x3FED Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiStatus Defining reference: section Canonical name: PidTagExpiryTime Description: Contains the time, in UTC, after which a client wants to receive an expiry event if the message arrives late. Property ID: 0x0015 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagExpiryUnits Description: Contains the unit of time that the value of the PidTagExpiryNumber property (section 2.682) multiplies. Property ID: 0x3FEE Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiStatus Canonical name: PidTagExtendedFolderFlags Description: Contains encoded sub-properties for a folder. Property ID: 0x36DA Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MapiContainer Canonical name: PidTagExtendedRuleMessageActions Description: Contains action information about named properties used in the rule. Property ID: 0x0E99 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Rules Canonical name: PidTagExtendedRuleMessageCondition Description: Contains condition information about named properties used in the rule. Property ID: 0x0E9A Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Rules Canonical name: PidTagExtendedRuleSizeLimit Description: Contains the maximum size, in bytes, that the user is allowed to accumulate for a single extended rule. Property ID: 0x0E9B Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Rules Canonical name: PidTagFaxNumberOfPages Description: Contains the number of pages in a Fax object. Property ID: 0x6804 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidTagFlagCompleteTime Description: Specifies the date and time, in UTC, that the Message object was flagged as complete. Property ID: 0x1091 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagFlagStatus Description: Specifies the flag state of the Message object. Property ID: 0x1090 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagFlatUrlName Description: Contains a unique identifier for an item across the message store. Property ID: 0x670E Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: ExchangeAdministrative ptagFlatURLName, Canonical name: PidTagFolderAssociatedContents Description: Identifies all FAI messages in the current folder. Property ID: 0x3610 Data type: PtypObject, 0x000D Area: MapiContainer Canonical name: PidTagFolderId Description: Contains the Folder ID (FID) ( section of the folder. Property ID: 0x6748 Data type: PtypInteger64, 0x0014 Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagFolderFlags Description: Contains a computed value to specify the type or state of a folder. Property ID: 0x66A8 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: ExchangeAdministrative Canonical name: PidTagFolderType Description: Specifies the type of a folder that includes the Root folder, Generic folder, and Search folder. Property ID: 0x3601 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiContainer Canonical name: PidTagFollowupIcon Description: Specifies the flag color of the Message object. Property ID: 0x1095 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: RenMessageFolder Canonical name: PidTagFreeBusyCountMonths Description: Contains an integer value used to calculate the start and end dates of the range of free/busy data to be published to the public folders. Property ID: 0x6869 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MessageClassDefinedTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagFreeBusyEntryIds Description: Contains EntryIDs of the Delegate Information object, the free/busy message of the logged on user, and the folder with the PidTagDisplayName property (section 2.670) value of "Freebusy Data". Property ID: 0x36E4 Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102 Area: MapiContainer Canonical name: PidTagFreeBusyMessageEmailAddress Description: Specifies the email address of the user or resource to whom this free/busy message applies. Property ID: 0x6849 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MessageClassDefinedTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagFreeBusyPublishEnd Description: Specifies the end time, in UTC, of the publishing range. Property ID: 0x6848 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagFreeBusyPublishStart Description: Specifies the start time, in UTC, of the publishing range. Property ID: 0x6847 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagFreeBusyRangeTimestamp Description: Specifies the time, in UTC, that the data was published. Property ID: 0x6868 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagFtpSite Description: Contains the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site address of the mail user. Property ID: 0x3A4C Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagGatewayNeedsToRefresh Description: This property is deprecated and SHOULD NOT be used. Property ID: 0x6846 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: MessageClassDefinedTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagGender Description: Contains a value that represents the mail user's gender. Property ID: 0x3A4D Data type: PtypInteger16, 0x0002 Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagGeneration Description: Contains a generational abbreviation that follows the full name of the mail user. Property ID: 0x3A05 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagGivenName Description: Contains the mail user's given name. Property ID: 0x3A06 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagGovernmentIdNumber Description: Contains a government identifier for the mail user. Property ID: 0x3A07 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHasAttachments Description: Indicates whether the Message object contains at least one attachment. Property ID: 0x0E1B Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Message Attachment Properties Property set Canonical name: PidTagHasDeferredActionMessages Description: Indicates whether a Message object has a deferred action message associated with it. Property ID: 0x3FEA Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Rules Canonical name: PidTagHasNamedProperties Description: Indicates whether the Message object has a named property. Property ID: 0x664A Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: ExchangeMessageReadOnly Canonical name: PidTagHasRules Description: Indicates whether a Folder object has rules. Property ID: 0x663A Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: ExchangeFolder Canonical name: PidTagHierarchyChangeNumber Description: Contains a number that monotonically increases every time a subfolder is added to, or deleted from, this folder. Property ID: 0x663E Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: ExchangeFolder Canonical name: PidTagHierRev Description: Specifies the time, in UTC, to trigger the client in cached mode to synchronize the folder hierarchy. Property ID: 0x4082 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: TransportEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagHobbies Description: Contains the names of the mail user's hobbies. Property ID: 0x3A43 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHome2TelephoneNumber Description: Contains a secondary telephone number at the mail user's home. Property ID: 0x3A2F Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Defining reference: section Canonical name: PidTagHome2TelephoneNumbers Description: Contains secondary telephone numbers at the mail user's home. Property ID: 0x3A2F Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHomeAddressCity Description: Contains the name of the mail user's home locality, such as the town or city. Property ID: 0x3A59 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHomeAddressCountry Description: Contains the name of the mail user's home country/region. Property ID: 0x3A5A Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHomeAddressPostalCode Description: Contains the postal code for the mail user's home postal address. Property ID: 0x3A5B Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser PR_HOME_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE_W Canonical name: PidTagHomeAddressPostOfficeBox Description: Contains the number or identifier of the mail user's home post office box. Property ID: 0x3A5E Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHomeAddressStateOrProvince Description: Contains the name of the mail user's home state or province. Property ID: 0x3A5C Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_A, PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_W Canonical name: PidTagHomeAddressStreet Description: Contains the mail user's home street address. Property ID: 0x3A5D Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHomeFaxNumber Description: Contains the telephone number of the mail user's home fax machine. Property ID: 0x3A25 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHomeTelephoneNumber Description: Contains the primary telephone number of the mail user's home. Property ID: 0x3A09 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHtml Description: Contains message body text in HTML format. Property ID: 0x1013 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagICalendarEndTime Description: Contains the date and time, in UTC, when an appointment or meeting ends. Property ID: 0x10C4 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Calendar Defining reference: section Canonical name: PidTagICalendarReminderNextTime Description: Contains the date and time, in UTC, for the activation of the next reminder. Property ID: 0x10CA Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidTagICalendarStartTime Description: Contains the date and time, in UTC, when the appointment or meeting starts. Property ID: 0x10C3 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Calendar Property set Canonical name: PidTagIconIndex Description: Specifies which icon is to be used by a user interface when displaying a group of Message objects. Property ID: 0x1080 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagImportance Description: Indicates the level of importance assigned by the end user to the Message object. Property ID: 0x0017 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagInConflict Description: Specifies whether the attachment represents an alternate replica. Property ID: 0x666C Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Conflict Note Canonical name: PidTagInitialDetailsPane Description: Indicates which page of a display template to display first. Property ID: 0x3F08 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MAPI Display Tables Canonical name: PidTagInitials Description: Contains the initials for parts of the full name of the mail user. Property ID: 0x3A0A Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagInReplyToId Description: Contains the value of the original message's PidTagInternetMessageId property (section 2.742) value. Property ID: 0x1042 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagInstanceKey Description: Contains an object on an NSPI server. Property ID: 0x0FF6 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Table Properties Canonical name: PidTagInstanceNum Description: Contains an identifier for a single instance of a row in the table. Property ID: 0x674E Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: ProviderDefinedNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagInstID Description: Contains an identifier for all instances of a row in the table. Property ID: 0x674D Data type: PtypInteger64, 0x0014 Area: ProviderDefinedNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagInternetCodepage Description: Indicates the code page used for the PidTagBody property (section 2.612) or the PidTagBodyHtml property (section 2.615). Property ID: 0x3FDE Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagInternetMailOverrideFormat Description: Indicates the encoding method and HTML inclusion for attachments. Property ID: 0x5902 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MIME Properties Canonical name: PidTagInternetMessageId Description: Corresponds to the message-id field. Property ID: 0x1035 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MIME Properties Canonical name: PidTagInternetReferences Description: Contains a list of message IDs that specify the messages to which this reply is related. Property ID: 0x1039 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MIME Properties Canonical name: PidTagIpmAppointmentEntryId Description: Contains the EntryID of the Calendar folder. Property ID: 0x36D0 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagIpmContactEntryId Description: Contains the EntryID of the Contacts folder. Property ID: 0x36D1 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagIpmDraftsEntryId Description: Contains the EntryID of the Drafts folder. Property ID: 0x36D7 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagIpmJournalEntryId Description: Contains the EntryID of the Journal folder. Property ID: 0x36D2 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagIpmNoteEntryId Description: Contains the EntryID of the Notes folder. Property ID: 0x36D3 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagIpmTaskEntryId Description: Contains the EntryID of the Tasks folder. Property ID: 0x36D4 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagIsdnNumber Description: Contains the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) telephone number of the mail user. Property ID: 0x3A2D Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagJunkAddRecipientsToSafeSendersList Description: Indicates whether email recipients are to be added to the safe senders list. Property ID: 0x6103 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Spam Canonical name: PidTagJunkIncludeContacts Description: Indicates whether email addresses of the contacts in the Contacts folder are treated in a special way with respect to the spam filter. Property ID: 0x6100 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Spam Canonical name: PidTagJunkPermanentlyDelete Description: Indicates whether messages identified as spam can be permanently deleted. Property ID: 0x6102 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Spam Canonical name: PidTagJunkPhishingEnableLinks Description: Indicated whether the phishing stamp on a message is to be ignored. Property ID: 0x6107 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Spam Canonical name: PidTagJunkThreshold Description: Indicates how aggressively incoming email is to be sent to the Junk Email folder. Property ID: 0x6101 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Spam Canonical name: PidTagKeyword Description: Contains a keyword that identifies the mail user to the mail user's system administrator. Property ID: 0x3A0B Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagLanguage Description: Contains a value that indicates the language in which the messaging user is writing messages. Property ID: 0x3A0C Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagLastModificationTime Description: Contains the time, in UTC, of the last modification to the object. Property ID: 0x3008 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Message Time Properties Canonical name: PidTagLastModifierEntryId Description: Specifies the Address Book EntryID of the last user to modify the contents of the message. Property ID: 0x3FFB Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: History Properties Canonical name: PidTagLastModifierName Description: Contains the name of the last mail user to change the Message object. Property ID: 0x3FFA Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: History Properties PR_LAST_MODIFIER_NAME_W Canonical name: PidTagLastVerbExecuted Description: Specifies the last verb executed for the message item to which it is related. Property ID: 0x1081 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: History Properties Canonical name: PidTagLastVerbExecutionTime Description: Contains the date and time, in UTC, during which the operation represented in the PidTagLastVerbExecuted property (section 2.761) took place. Property ID: 0x1082 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: History Properties Canonical name: PidTagListHelp Description: Contains a URI that provides detailed help information for the mailing list from which an email message was sent. Property ID: 0x1043 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagListSubscribe Description: Contains the URI that subscribes a recipient to a message’s associated mailing list. Property ID: 0x1044 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagListUnsubscribe Description: Contains the URI that unsubscribes a recipient from a message’s associated mailing list. Property ID: 0x1045 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagLocalCommitTime Description: Specifies the time, in UTC, that a Message object or Folder object was last changed. Property ID: 0x6709 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Server Defining references: section; section Canonical name: PidTagLocalCommitTimeMax Description: Contains the time of the most recent message change within the folder container, excluding messages changed within subfolders. Property ID: 0x670A Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Server Canonical name: PidTagLocaleId Description: Contains the Logon object LocaleID. Property ID: 0x66A1 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagLocality Description: Contains the name of the mail user's locality, such as the town or city. Property ID: 0x3A27 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagLocation Description: Contains the location of the mail user. Property ID: 0x3A0D Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagMailboxOwnerEntryId Description: Contains the EntryID in the Global Address List (GAL) of the owner of the mailbox. Property ID: 0x661B Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Message Store Properties Canonical name: PidTagMailboxOwnerName Description: Contains the display name of the owner of the mailbox. Property ID: 0x661C Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Store Properties ptagMailboxOwnerName, PR_MAILBOX_OWNER_NAME_W Canonical name: PidTagManagerName Description: Contains the name of the mail user's manager. Property ID: 0x3A4E Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagMappingSignature Description: A 16-byte constant that is present on all Address Book objects, but is not present on objects in an offline address book. Property ID: 0x0FF8 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagMaximumSubmitMessageSize Description: Maximum size, in kilobytes, of a message that a user is allowed to submit for transmission to another user. Property ID: 0x666D Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Message Store Properties Canonical name: PidTagMemberId Description: Contains a unique identifier that the messaging server generates for each user. Property ID: 0x6671 Data type: PtypInteger64, 0x0014 Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagMemberName Description: Contains the user-readable name of the user. Property ID: 0x6672 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagMemberRights Description: Contains the permissions for the specified user. Property ID: 0x6673 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageAttachments Description: Identifies all attachments to the current message. Property ID: 0x0E13 Data type: PtypObject, 0x000D Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageCcMe Descripton: Indicates that the receiving mailbox owner is a carbon copy (Cc) recipient of this email message. Property ID: 0x0058 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageClass Description: Denotes the specific type of the Message object. Property ID: 0x001A Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Common Property set Canonical name: PidTagMessageCodepage Description: Specifies the code page used to encode the non-Unicode string properties on this Message object. Property ID: 0x3FFD Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidTagMessageDeliveryTime Description: Specifies the time (in UTC) when the server received the message. Property ID: 0x0E06 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Message Time Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageEditorFormat Description: Specifies the format that an email editor can use for editing the message body. Property ID: 0x5909 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageFlags Description: Specifies the status of the Message object. Property ID: 0x0E07 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageHandlingSystemCommonName Description: Contains the common name of a messaging user for use in a message header. Property ID: 0x3A0F Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageLocaleId Description: Contains the Windows Locale ID of the end-user who created this message. Property ID: 0x3FF1 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageRecipientMe Description: Indicates that the receiving mailbox owner is a primary or a carbon copy (Cc) recipient of this email message. Property ID: 0x0059 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageRecipients Description: Identifies all of the recipients of the current message. Property ID: 0x0E12 Data type: PtypObject, 0x000D Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageSize Description: Contains the size, in bytes, consumed by the Message object on the server. Property ID: 0x0E08 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageSizeExtended Description: Specifies the 64-bit version of the PidTagMessageSize property (section 2.790). Property ID: 0x0E08 Data type: PtypInteger64, 0x0014 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageStatus Description: Specifies the status of a message in a contents table. Property ID: 0x0E17 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageSubmissionId Description: Contains a message identifier assigned by a message transfer agent. Property ID: 0x0047 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagMessageToMe Description: Indicates that the receiving mailbox owner is one of the primary recipients of this email message. Property ID: 0x0057 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagMid Description: Contains a value that contains the MID of the message currently being synchronized. Property ID: 0x674A Data type: PtypInteger64, 0x0014 Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagMiddleName Description: Specifies the middle name(s) of the contact. Property ID: 0x3A44 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagMimeSkeleton Description: Contains the top-level MIME message headers, all MIME message body part headers, and body part content that is not already converted to Message object properties, including attachments. Property ID: 0x64F0 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MIME properties Canonical name: PidTagMobileTelephoneNumber Description: Contains the mail user's cellular telephone number. Property ID: 0x3A1C Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Canonical name: PidTagNativeBody Description: Indicates the best available format for storing the message body. Property ID: 0x1016 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: BestBody Canonical name: PidTagNextSendAcct Description: Specifies the server that a client is currently attempting to use to send email. Property ID: 0x0E29 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Outlook Application Canonical name: PidTagNickname Description: Contains the mail user's nickname. Property ID: 0x3A4F Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagNonDeliveryReportDiagCode Description: Contains the diagnostic code for a delivery status notification, as specified in . Property ID: 0x0C05 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagNonDeliveryReportReasonCode Description: Contains an integer value that indicates a reason for delivery failure. Property ID: 0x0C04 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagNonDeliveryReportStatusCode Description: Contains the value of the Status field for a delivery status notification, as specified in Property ID: 0x0C20 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Email Canonical Name: PidTagNonReceiptNotificationRequested Description: Specifies whether the client sends a non-read receipt. Property ID: 0x0C06 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagNormalizedSubject Description: Contains the normalized subject of the message. Property ID: 0x0E1D Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email ptagNormalizedSubject, PR_NORMALIZED_SUBJECT_W Canonical name: PidTagObjectType Description: Indicates the type of Server object. Property ID: 0x0FFE Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Common Canonical name: PidTagOfficeLocation Description: Contains the mail user's office location. Property ID: 0x3A19 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagOfflineAddressBookContainerGuid Description: A string-formatted GUID that represents the address list container object. Property ID: 0x6802 Data type: PtypString8, 0x001E Area: Offline Address Book Properties Canonical name: PidTagOfflineAddressBookDistinguishedName Description: Contains the DN of the address list that is contained in the OAB message. Property ID: 0x6804 Data type: PtypString8, 0x001E Area: Offline Address Book Properties Canonical name: PidTagOfflineAddressBookMessageClass Description: Contains the message class for full OAB messages. Property ID: 0x6803 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Offline Address Book Properties Canonical name: PidTagOfflineAddressBookName Description: Contains the display name of the address list. Property ID: 0x6800 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Offline Address Book Properties Canonical name: PidTagOfflineAddressBookSequence Description: Contains the sequence number of the OAB. Property ID: 0x6801 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Offline Address Book Properties Canonical name: PidTagOfflineAddressBookTruncatedProperties Description: Contains a list of the property tags that have been truncated or limited by the server. Property ID: 0x6805 Data type: PtypMultipleInteger32, 0x1003 Area: Offline Address Book Properties Canonical name: PidTagOrdinalMost Description: Contains a positive number whose negative is less than or equal to the value of the PidLidTaskOrdinal property (section 2.327) of all of the Task objects in the folder. Property ID: 0x36E2 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidTagOrganizationalIdNumber Description: Contains an identifier for the mail user used within the mail user's organization. Property ID: 0x3A10 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties PR_ORGANIZATIONAL_ID_NUMBER_W Canonical name: PidTagOriginalAuthorEntryId Description: Contains an address book EntryID structure ( section and is defined in report messages to identify the user who sent the original message. Property ID: 0x004C Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagOriginalAuthorName Description: Contains the display name of the sender of the original message referenced by a report message. Property ID: 0x004D Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagOriginalDeliveryTime Description: Contains the delivery time, in UTC, from the original message. Property ID: 0x0055 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalDisplayBcc Description: Contains the value of the PidTagDisplayBcc property (section 2.668) from the original message. Property ID: 0x0072 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalDisplayCc Description: Contains the value of the PidTagDisplayCc property(section 2.669) from the original message. Property ID: 0x0073 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalDisplayTo Description: Contains the value of the PidTagDisplayTo property (section 2.672) from the original message. Property ID: 0x0074 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalEntryId Description: Contains the original EntryID of an object. Property ID: 0x3A12 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalMessageClass Description: Designates the PidTagMessageClass property ( section from the original message. Property ID: 0x004B Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Secure Messaging Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalMessageId Description: Contains the message ID of the original message included in replies or resent messages. Property ID: 0x1046 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Mail Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSenderAddressType Description: Contains the value of the original message sender's PidTagSenderAddressType property (section 2.994). Property ID: 0x0066 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSenderEmailAddress Description: Contains the value of the original message sender's PidTagSenderEmailAddress property (section 2.995). Property ID: 0x0067 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSenderEntryId Description: Contains an address book EntryID that is set on delivery report messages. Property ID: 0x005B Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSenderName Description: Contains the value of the original message sender's PidTagSenderName property(section 2.998), and is set on delivery report messages. Property ID: 0x005A Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSenderSearchKey Description: Contains an address book search key set on the original email message. Property ID: 0x005C Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSensitivity Description: Contains the sensitivity value of the original email message. Property ID: 0x002E Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingAddressType Description: Contains the address type of the end user who is represented by the original email message sender. Property ID: 0x0068 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingEmailAddress Description: Contains the email address of the end user who is represented by the original email message sender. Property ID: 0x0069 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingEntryId Description: Identifies an address book EntryID that contains the entry identifier of the end user who is represented by the original message sender. Property ID: 0x005E Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingName Description: Contains the display name of the end user who is represented by the original email message sender. Property ID: 0x005D Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingSearchKey Description: Identifies an address book search key that contains the SearchKey of the end user who is represented by the original message sender. Property ID: 0x005F Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSubject Description: Specifies the subject of the original message. Property ID: 0x0049 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSubmitTime Description: Specifies the original email message's submission date and time, in UTC. Property ID: 0x004E Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginatorDeliveryReportRequested Description: Indicates whether an email sender requests an email delivery receipt from the messaging system. Property ID: 0x0023 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: MIME Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginatorNonDeliveryReportRequested Description: Specifies whether an email sender requests suppression of nondelivery receipts. Property ID: 0x0C08 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: MIME Properties Canonical name: PidTagOscSyncEnabled Description: Specifies whether contact synchronization with an external source is handled by the server. Property ID: 0x7C24 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagOtherAddressCity Description: Contains the name of the mail user's other locality, such as the town or city. Property ID: 0x3A5F Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_CITY_W Canonical name: PidTagOtherAddressCountry Description: Contains the name of the mail user's other country/region. Property ID: 0x3A60 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_W Canonical name: PidTagOtherAddressPostalCode Description: Contains the postal code for the mail user's other postal address. Property ID: 0x3A61 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE_W Canonical name: PidTagOtherAddressPostOfficeBox Description: Contains the number or identifier of the mail user's other post office box. Property ID: 0x3A64 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX_A, PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX_W, Canonical name: PidTagOtherAddressStateOrProvince Description: Contains the name of the mail user's other state or province. Property ID: 0x3A62 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_A, PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_W, Canonical name: PidTagOtherAddressStreet Description: Contains the mail user's other street address. Property ID: 0x3A63 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagOtherTelephoneNumber Description: Contains an alternate telephone number for the mail user. Property ID: 0x3A1F Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagOutOfOfficeState Description: Indicates whether the user is OOF. Property ID: 0x661D Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Message Store Properties Canonical name: PidTagOwnerAppointmentId Description: Specifies a quasi-unique value among all of the Calendar objects in a user's mailbox. Property ID: 0x0062 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Appointment Defining reference: section Canonical name: PidTagPagerTelephoneNumber Description: Contains the mail user's pager telephone number. Property ID: 0x3A21 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagParentEntryId Description: Contains the EntryID of the folder where messages or subfolders reside. Property ID: 0x0E09 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagParentFolderId Description: Contains a value that contains the Folder ID (FID), as specified in section, that identifies the parent folder of the messaging object being synchronized. Property ID: 0x6749 Data type: PtypInteger64, 0x0014 Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagParentKey Description: Contains the search key that is used to correlate the original message and the reports about the original message. Property ID: 0x0025 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagParentSourceKey Description: Contains a value on a folder that contains the PidTagSourceKey property (section 2.1016) of the parent folder. Property ID: 0x65E1 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagPersonalHomePage Description: Contains the URL of the mail user's personal home page. Property ID: 0x3A50 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser PR_PERSONAL_HOME_PAGE_W Canonical name: PidTagPolicyTag Description: Specifies the GUID of a retention tag. Property ID: 0x3019 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagPostalAddress Description: Contains the mail user's postal address. Property ID: 0x3A15 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagPostalCode Description: Contains the postal code for the mail user's postal address. Property ID: 0x3A2A Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagPostOfficeBox Description: Contains the number or identifier of the mail user's post office box. Property ID: 0x3A2B Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagPredecessorChangeList Description: Contains a value that contains a serialized representation of a PredecessorChangeList structure. Property ID: 0x65E3 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Sync Canonical name: PidTagPrimaryFaxNumber Description: Contains the telephone number of the mail user's primary fax machine. Property ID: 0x3A23 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagPrimarySendAccount Description: Specifies the first server that a client is to use to send the email with. Property ID: 0x0E28 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagPrimaryTelephoneNumber Description: Contains the mail user's primary telephone number. Property ID: 0x3A1A Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagPriority Description: Indicates the client's request for the priority with which the message is to be sent by the messaging system. Property ID: 0x0026 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagProcessed Description: Indicates whether a client has already processed a received task communication. Property ID: 0x7D01 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidTagProfession Description: Contains the name of the mail user's line of business. Property ID: 0x3A46 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagProhibitReceiveQuota Description: Maximum size, in kilobytes, that a user is allowed to accumulate in their mailbox before no further email will be delivered to their mailbox. Property ID: 0x666A Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Exchange Administrative Canonical name: PidTagProhibitSendQuota Description: Maximum size, in kilobytes, that a user is allowed to accumulate in their mailbox before the user can no longer send any more email. Property ID: 0x666E Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: ExchangeAdministrative Canonical name: PidTagPurportedSenderDomain Description: Contains the domain responsible for transmitting the current message. Property ID: 0x4083 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: TransportEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagRadioTelephoneNumber Description: Contains the mail user's radio telephone number. Property ID: 0x3A1D Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagRead Description: Indicates whether a message has been read. Property ID: 0x0E69 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: MapiNonTransmittable Property set Canonical name: PidTagReadReceiptAddressType Description: Contains the address type of the end user to whom a read receipt is directed. Property ID: 0x4029 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Transport Envelope Canonical name: PidTagReadReceiptEmailAddress Description: Contains the email address of the end user to whom a read receipt is directed. Property ID: 0x402A Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Transport Envelope Canonical name: PidTagReadReceiptEntryId Description: Contains an address book EntryID. Property ID: 0x0046 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReadReceiptName Description: Contains the display name for the end user to whom a read receipt is directed. Property ID: 0x402B Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Transport Envelope Canonical name: PidTagReadReceiptRequested Description: Specifies whether the email sender requests a read receipt from all recipients when this email message is read or opened. Property ID: 0x0029 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagReadReceiptSearchKey Description: Contains an address book search key. Property ID: 0x0053 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReadReceiptSmtpAddress Description: Contains the SMTP email address of the user to whom a read receipt is directed. Property ID: 0x5D05 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Mail Canonical name: PidTagReceiptTime Description: Contains the sent time for a message disposition notification, as specified in . Property ID: 0x002A Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagReceivedByAddressType Description: Contains the email message receiver's email address type. Property ID: 0x0075 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReceivedByEmailAddress Description: Contains the email message receiver's email address. Property ID: 0x0076 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedByEntryId Description: Contains the address book EntryID of the mailbox receiving the Email object. Property ID: 0x003F Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedByName Description: Contains the email message receiver's display name. Property ID: 0x0040 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedBySearchKey Description: Identifies an address book search key that contains a binary-comparable key that is used to identify correlated objects for a search. Property ID: 0x0051 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedBySmtpAddress Description: Contains the email message receiver's SMTP email address. Property ID: 0x5D07 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Mail Canonical name: PidTagReceivedRepresentingAddressType Description: Contains the email address type for the end user represented by the receiving mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x0077 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedRepresentingEmailAddress Description: Contains the email address for the end user represented by the receiving mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x0078 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedRepresentingEntryId Description: Contains an address book EntryID that identifies the end user represented by the receiving mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x0043 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedRepresentingName Description: Contains the display name for the end user represented by the receiving mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x0044 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedRepresentingSearchKey Description: Identifies an address book search key that contains a binary-comparable key of the end user represented by the receiving mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x0052 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedRepresentingSmtpAddress Description: Contains the SMTP email address of the user represented by the receiving mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x5D08 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Mail Canonical name: PidTagRecipientDisplayName Description: Specifies the display name of the recipient. Property ID: 0x5FF6 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientEntryId Description: Identifies an Address Book object that specifies the recipient. Property ID: 0x5FF7 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagRecipientFlags Description: Specifies a bit field that describes the recipient status. Property ID: 0x5FFD Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientOrder Description: Specifies the location of the current recipient in the recipient table. Property ID: 0x5FDF Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientProposed Description: Indicates that the attendee proposed a new date and/or time. Property ID: 0x5FE1 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientProposedEndTime Description: Indicates the meeting end time requested by the attendee in a counter proposal. Property ID: 0x5FE4 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientProposedStartTime Description: Indicates the meeting start time requested by the attendee in a counter proposal. Property ID: 0x5FE3 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientReassignmentProhibited Description: Specifies whether adding additional or different recipients is prohibited for the email message when forwarding the email message. Property ID: 0x002B Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagRecipientTrackStatus Description: Indicates the response status that is returned by the attendee. Property ID: 0x5FFF Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientTrackStatusTime Description: Indicates the date and time at which the attendee responded. Property ID: 0x5FFB Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientType Description: Represents the recipient type of a recipient on the message. Property ID: 0x0C15 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecordKey Description: Contains a unique binary-comparable identifier for a specific object. Property ID: 0x0FF9 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagReferredByName Description: Contains the name of the mail user's referral. Property ID: 0x3A47 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagRemindersOnlineEntryId Description: Contains an EntryID for the Reminders folder. Property ID: 0x36D5 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MapiContainer Canonical name: PidTagRemoteMessageTransferAgent Description: Contains the value of the Remote-MTA field for a delivery status notification, as specified in. Property ID: 0x0C21 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagRenderingPosition Description: Represents an offset, in rendered characters, to use when rendering an attachment within the main message text. Property ID: 0x370B Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiAttachment Canonical name: PidTagReplyRecipientEntries Description: Identifies a FlatEntryList structure ( section 2.3.3) of address book EntryIDs for recipients that are to receive a reply. Property ID: 0x004F Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReplyRecipientNames Description: Contains a list of display names for recipients that are to receive a reply. Property ID: 0x0050 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReplyRequested Description: Indicates whether a reply is requested to a Message object. Property ID: 0x0C17 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: MapiRecipient Canonical name: PidTagReplyTemplateId Description: Contains the value of the GUID that points to a Reply template. Property ID: 0x65C2 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Rules Canonical name: PidTagReplyTime Description: Specifies the time, in UTC, that the sender has designated for an associated work item to be due. Property ID: 0x0030 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReportDisposition Description: Contains a string indicating whether the original message was displayed to the user or deleted (report messages only). Property ID: 0x0080 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagReportDispositionMode Description: Contains a description of the action that a client has performed on behalf of a user(report messages only). Property ID: 0x0081 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagReportEntryId Description: Specifies an entry ID that identifies the application that generated a report message. Property ID: 0x0045 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReportingMessageTransferAgent Description: Contains the value of the Reporting-MTA field for a delivery status notification, as specified in . Property ID: 0x6820 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagReportName Description: Contains the display name for the entity (usually a server agent) that generated the report message. Property ID: 0x003A Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReportSearchKey Description: Contains an address book search key representing the entity (usually a server agent) that generated the report message. Property ID: 0x0054 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReportTag Description: Contains the data that is used to correlate the report and the original message. Property ID: 0x0031 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReportText Description: Contains the optional text for a report message. Property ID: 0x1001 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMessage Canonical name: PidTagReportTime Description: Indicates the last time that the contact list that is controlled by thePidTagJunkIncludeContacts property (section 2.752) was updated. Property ID: 0x0032 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: MapiEnvelope Property set Canonical name: PidTagResolveMethod Description: Specifies how to resolve any conflicts with the message. Property ID: 0x3FE7 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiStatus Canonical name: PidTagResponseRequested Description: Indicates whether a response is requested to a Message object. Property ID: 0x0063 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: MapiEnvelope Property set Canonical name: PidTagResponsibility Description: Specifies whether another mail agent has ensured that the message will be delivered. Property ID: 0x0E0F Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagRetentionDate Description: Specifies the date, in UTC, after which a Message object is expired by the server. Property ID: 0x301C Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagRetentionFlags Description: Contains flags that specify the status or nature of an item's retention tag or archive tag. Property ID: 0x301D Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagRetentionPeriod Description: Specifies the number of days that a Message object can remain unarchived. Property ID: 0x301A Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagRights Description: Specifies a user's folder permissions. Property ID: 0x6639 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: ExchangeFolder Canonical name: PidTagRoamingDatatypes Description: Contains a bitmask that indicates which stream properties exist on the message. Property ID: 0x7C06 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagRoamingDictionary Description: Contains a dictionary stream, as specified in section Property ID: 0x7C07 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagRoamingXmlStream Description: Contains an XML stream, as specified in section Property ID: 0x7C08 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagRowid Description: Contains a unique identifier for a recipient in a message's recipient table. Property ID: 0x3000 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiCommon Canonical name: PidTagRowType Description: Identifies the type of the row. Property ID: 0x0FF5 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagRtfCompressed Description: Contains message body text in compressed RTF format. Property ID: 0x1009 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagRtfInSync Description: Indicates whether the PidTagBody property (section 2.612) and the PidTagRtfCompressed property (section 2.935) contain the same text (ignoring formatting). Property ID: 0x0E1F Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagRuleActionNumber Description: Contains the index of a rule action that failed. Property ID: 0x6650 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: ExchangeMessageReadOnly Canonical name: PidTagRuleActions Description: Contains the set of actions associated with the rule. Property ID: 0x6680 Data type: PtypRuleAction, 0x00FE Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleActionType Description: Contains the ActionType field ( section of a rule that failed. Property ID: 0x6649 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: ExchangeMessageReadOnly Canonical name: PidTagRuleCondition Description: Defines the conditions under which a rule action is to be executed. Property ID: 0x6679 Data type: PtypRestriction, 0x00FD Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleError Description: Contains the error code that indicates the cause of an error encountered during the execution of the rule. Property ID: 0x6648 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: ExchangeMessageReadOnly Canonical name: PidTagRuleFolderEntryId Description: Contains the EntryID of the folder where the rule that triggered the generation of a DAM is stored. Property ID: 0x6651 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: ExchangeMessageReadOnly Canonical name: PidTagRuleId Description: Specifies a unique identifier that is generated by the messaging server for each rule when the rule is first created. Property ID: 0x6674 Data type: PtypInteger64, 0x0014 Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleIds Description: Contains a buffer that is obtained by concatenating the PidTagRuleId property. Property ID: 0x6675 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleLevel Description: Contains 0x00000000. This property is not used. Property ID: 0x6683 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleMessageLevel Description: Contains 0x00000000. Set on the FAI message. Property ID: 0x65ED Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagRuleMessageName Description: Specifies the name of the rule. Set on the FAI message. Property ID: 0x65EC Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagRuleMessageProvider Description: Identifies the client application that owns the rule. Set on the FAI message. Property ID: 0x65EB Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagRuleMessageProviderData Description: Contains opaque data set by the client for the exclusive use of the client. Set on the FAI message. Property ID: 0x65EE Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagRuleMessageSequence Description: Contains a value used to determine the order in which rules are evaluated and executed. Set on the FAI message. Property ID: 0x65F3 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagRuleMessageState Description: Contains flags that specify the state of the rule. Set on the FAI message. Property ID: 0x65E9 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagRuleMessageUserFlags Description: Contains an opaque property that the client sets for the exclusive use of the client. Set on the FAI message. Property ID: 0x65EA Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagRuleName Description: Specifies the name of the rule. Property ID: 0x6682 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleProvider Description: A string identifying the client application that owns a rule. Property ID: 0x6681 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleProviderData Description: Contains opaque data set by the client for the exclusive use of the client. Property ID: 0x6684 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleSequence Description: Contains a value used to determine the order in which rules are evaluated and executed. Property ID: 0x6676 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleState Description: Contains flags that specify the state of the rule. Property ID: 0x6677 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleUserFlags Description: Contains an opaque property that the client sets for the exclusive use of the client. Property ID: 0x6678 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRwRulesStream Description: Contains additional rule data about the Rule FAI message. Property ID: 0x6802 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Message Class Defined Transmittable Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoAppointmentTombstone Description: Contains a list of tombstones, where each tombstone represents a Meeting object that has been declined. Property ID: 0x686A Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoAutoAcceptAppointments Description: Indicates whether a client or server is to automatically respond to all meeting requests for the attendee or resource. Property ID: 0x686D Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDelegateEntryIds Description: Specifies the EntryIDs of the delegates. Property ID: 0x6845 Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102 Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDelegateNames Description: Specifies the names of the delegates. Property ID: 0x6844 Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDelegateNamesW Description: Specifies the names of the delegates in Unicode. Property ID: 0x684A Data type: PtypMultipleString, 0x101F Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDelegatorWantsCopy Description: Indicates whether the delegator wants to receive copies of the meeting-related objects that are sent to the delegate. Property ID: 0x6842 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDelegatorWantsInfo Description: Indicates whether the delegator wants to receive informational updates. Property ID: 0x684B Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDisallowOverlappingAppts Description: Indicates whether a client or server, when automatically responding to meeting requests, is to decline Meeting Request objects that overlap with previously scheduled events. Property ID: 0x686F Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDisallowRecurringAppts Description: Indicates whether a client or server, when automatically responding to meeting requests, is to decline Meeting Request objects that represent a recurring series. Property ID: 0x686E Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDontMailDelegates Description: Contains a value set to TRUE by the client, regardless of user input. Property ID: 0x6843 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoFreeBusy Description: This property is deprecated and is not to be used. Property ID: 0x686C Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoFreeBusyAway Description: Specifies the times for which the free/busy status is set a value of OOF. Property ID: 0x6856 Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102 Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoFreeBusyBusy Description: Specifies the blocks of time for which the free/busy status is set to a value of busy. Property ID: 0x6854 Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102 Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoFreeBusyMerged Description: Specifies the blocks for which free/busy data of type busy or OOF is present in the free/busy message. Property ID: 0x6850 Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102 Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoFreeBusyTentative Description: Specifies the blocks of times for which the free/busy status is set to a value of tentative. Property ID: 0x6852 Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102 Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoMonthsAway Description: Specifies the months for which free/busy data of type OOF is present in the free/busy message. Property ID: 0x6855 Data type: PtypMultipleInteger32, 0x1003 Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoMonthsBusy Description: Specifies the months for which free/busy data of type busy is present in the free/busy message. Property ID: 0x6853 Data type: PtypMultipleInteger32, 0x1003 Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoMonthsMerged Description: Specifies the months for which free/busy data of type busy or OOF is present in the free/busy message. Property ID: 0x684F Data type: PtypMultipleInteger32, 0x1003 Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoMonthsTentative Description: Specifies the months for which free/busy data of type tentative is present in the free/busy message. Property ID: 0x6851 Data type: PtypMultipleInteger32, 0x1003 Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoResourceType Description: Set to 0x00000000 when sending and is ignored on receipt. Property ID: 0x6841 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagSchedulePlusFreeBusyEntryId Description: Contains the EntryID of the folder named "SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY" under the non-IPM subtree of the public folder message store. Property ID: 0x6622 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: ExchangeMessageStore Canonical name: PidTagScriptData Description: Contains a series of instructions that can be executed to format an address and the data that is needed to execute those instructions. Property ID: 0x0004 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderDefinition Description: Specifies the search criteria and search options. Property ID: 0x6845 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderEfpFlags Description: Specifies flags that control how a folder is displayed. Property ID: 0x6848 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderExpiration Description: Contains the time, in UTC, at which the search folder container will be stale and has to be updated or recreated. Property ID: 0x683A Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderId Description: Contains a GUID that identifies the search folder. Property ID: 0x6842 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderLastUsed Description: Contains the last time, in UTC, that the folder was accessed. Property ID: 0x6834 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderRecreateInfo Description: This property is not to be used. Property ID: 0x6844 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderStorageType Description: Contains flags that specify the binary large object (BLOB) data that appears in the PidTagSearchFolderDefinition property. Property ID: 0x6846 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderTag Description: Contains the value of the SearchFolderTag sub-property of the PidTagExtendedFolderFlags (section 2.685) property of the search folder container. Property ID: 0x6847 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderTemplateId Description: Contains the ID of the template that is being used for the search. Property ID: 0x6841 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchKey Description: Contains a unique binary-comparable key that identifies an object for a search. Property ID: 0x300B Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagSecurityDescriptorAsXml Description: Contains security attributes in XML. Property ID: 0x0E6A Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagSelectable Description: This property is not set and, if set, is ignored. Property ID: 0x3609 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: AB Container Canonical name: PidTagSenderAddressType Description: Contains the email address type of the sending mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x0C1E Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSenderEmailAddress Description: Contains the email address of the sending mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x0C1F Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSenderEntryId Description: Identifies an address book EntryID that contains the address book EntryID of the sending mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x0C19 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSenderIdStatus Description: Reports the results of a Sender-ID check. Property ID: 0x4079 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Secure Messaging Properties Canonical name: PidTagSenderName Description: Contains the display name of the sending mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x0C1A Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSenderSearchKey Description: Identifies an address book search key. Property ID: 0x0C1D Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSenderSmtpAddress Description: Contains the SMTP email address format of the e–mail address of the sending mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x5D01 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Mail Canonical name: PidTagSenderTelephoneNumber Description: Contains the telephone number of the caller associated with a voice mail message. Property ID: 0x6802 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidTagSendInternetEncoding Description: Contains a bitmask of message encoding preferences for email sent to an email-enabled entity that is represented by this Address Book object. Property ID: 0x3A71 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSendRichInfo Description: Indicates whether the email-enabled entity represented by the Address Book object can receive all message content, including Rich Text Format (RTF) and other embedded objects. Property ID: 0x3A40 Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSensitivity Description: Indicates the sender's assessment of the sensitivity of the Message object. Property ID: 0x0036 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagSentMailSvrEID Description: Contains an EntryID that represents the Sent Items folder for the message. Property ID: 0x6740 Data type: PtypServerId, 0x00FB Area: ProviderDefinedNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagSentRepresentingAddressType Description: Contains an email address type. Property ID: 0x0064 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSentRepresentingEmailAddress Description: Contains an email address for the end user who is represented by the sending mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x0065 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSentRepresentingEntryId Description: Contains the identifier of the end user who is represented by the sending mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x0041 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSentRepresentingFlags Description: Property ID: 0x401A Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Miscellaneous Properties Defining reference: Canonical name: PidTagSentRepresentingName Description: Contains the display name for the end user who is represented by the sending mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x0042 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSentRepresentingSearchKey Description: Contains a binary-comparable key that represents the end user who is represented by the sending mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x003B Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSentRepresentingSmtpAddress Description: Contains the SMTP email address of the end user who is represented by the sending mailbox owner. Property ID: 0x5D02 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Mail Canonical name: PidTagSerializedReplidGuidMap Description: Contains a serialized list of REPLID and REPLGUID pairs which represent all or part of the REPLID / REPLGUID mapping of the associated Logon object. Property ID: 0x6638 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Logon Properties Canonical name: PidTagSmtpAddress Description: Contains the SMTP address of the Message object. Property ID: 0x39FE Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSortLocaleId Description: Contains the locale identifier. Property ID: 0x6705 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: ExchangeAdministrative Canonical name: PidTagSourceKey Description: Contains a value that contains an internal global identifier (GID) for this folder or message. Property ID: 0x65E0 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Sync Canonical name: PidTagSpokenName Description: Contains a recording of the mail user's name pronunciation. Property ID: 0x8CC2 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagSpouseName Description: Contains the name of the mail user's spouse/partner. Property ID: 0x3A48 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagStartDate Description: Contains the value of the PidLidAppointmentStartWhole property (section 2.29). Property ID: 0x0060 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagStartDateEtc Description: Contains the default retention period, and the start date from which the age of a Message object is calculated. Property ID: 0x301B Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagStateOrProvince Description: Contains the name of the mail user's state or province. Property ID: 0x3A28 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagStoreEntryId Description: Contains the unique EntryID of the message store where an object resides. Property ID: 0x0FFB Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagStoreState Description: Indicates whether a mailbox has any active Search folders. Property ID: 0x340E Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiMessageStore Canonical name: PidTagStoreSupportMask Description: Indicates whether string properties within the .msg file are Unicode-encoded. Property ID: 0x340D Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagStreetAddress Description: Contains the mail user's street address. Property ID: 0x3A29 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagSubfolders Description: Specifies whether a folder has subfolders. Property ID: 0x360A Data type: PtypBoolean, 0x000B Area: MapiContainer Canonical name: PidTagSubject Description: Contains the subject of the email message. Property ID: 0x0037 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagSubjectPrefix Description: Contains the prefix for the subject of the message. Property ID: 0x003D Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagSupplementaryInfo Description: Contains supplementary information about a delivery status notification, as specified in Property ID: 0x0C1B Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagSurname Description: Contains the mail user's family name. Property ID: 0x3A11 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagSwappedToDoData Description: Contains a secondary storage location for flags when sender flags or sender reminders are supported. Property ID: 0x0E2D Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagSwappedToDoStore Description: Contains the value of the PidTagStoreEntryId property. Property ID: 0x0E2C Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagTargetEntryId Description: Contains the message ID of a Message object being submitted for optimization ( section Property ID: 0x3010 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagTelecommunicationsDeviceForDeafTelephoneNumber Description: Contains the mail user's telecommunication device for the deaf (TTY/TDD) telephone number. Property ID: 0x3A4B Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagTelexNumber Description: Contains the mail user's telex number. This property is returned from an NSPI server as a PtypMultipleBinary. Otherwise, the data type is PtypString. Property ID: 0x3A2C Data type: PtypString, 0x001F; PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102 Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagTemplateData Description: Describes the controls used in the template that is used to retrieve address book information. Property ID: 0x0001 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagTemplateid Description: Contains the value of the PidTagEntryId property (section 2.677), expressed as a Permanent Entry ID format. Property ID: 0x3902 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MapiAddressBook Canonical name: PidTagTextAttachmentCharset Description: Specifies the character set of an attachment received via MIME with the content-type of text. Property ID: 0x371B Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagThumbnailPhoto Description: Contains the mail user's photo in .jpg format. Property ID: 0x8C9E Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagTitle Description: Contains the mail user's job title. Property ID: 0x3A17 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagTnefCorrelationKey Description: Contains a value that correlates a Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) attachment with a message. Property ID: 0x007F Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagToDoItemFlags Description: Contains flags associated with objects. Property ID: 0x0E2B Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagTransmittableDisplayName Description: Contains an Address Book object's display name that is transmitted with the message. Property ID: 0x3A20 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagTransportMessageHeaders Description: Contains transport-specific message envelope information for email. Property ID: 0x007D Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagTrustSender Description: Specifies whether the associated message was delivered through a trusted transport channel. Property ID: 0x0E79 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagUserCertificate Description: Contains an ASN.1 authentication certificate for a messaging user. Property ID: 0x3A22 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagUserEntryId Description: Address book EntryID of the user logged on to the public folders. Property ID: 0x6619 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: ExchangeMessageStore Canonical name: PidTagUserX509Certificate Description: Contains a list of certificates for the mail user. Property ID: 0x3A70 Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102 Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagViewDescriptorBinary Description: Contains view definitions. Property ID: 0x7001 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: MessageClassDefinedTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagViewDescriptorName Description: Property ID: 0x7006 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MessageClassDefinedTransmittable Defining reference: Canonical name: PidTagViewDescriptorStrings Description: Contains view definitions in string format. Property ID: 0x7002 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: MessageClassDefinedTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagViewDescriptorVersion Description: Contains the View Descriptor version. Property ID: 0x7007 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Miscellaneous Properties Defining reference: Canonical name: PidTagVoiceMessageAttachmentOrder Description: Contains a list of file names for the audio file attachments that are to be played as part of a message. Property ID: 0x6805 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidTagVoiceMessageDuration Description: Specifies the length of the attached audio message, in seconds. Property ID: 0x6801 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidTagVoiceMessageSenderName Description: Specifies the name of the caller who left the attached voice message, as provided by the voice network's caller ID system. Property ID: 0x6803 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidTagWeddingAnniversary Description: Contains the date of the mail user's wedding anniversary. Property ID: 0x3A41 Data type: PtypTime, 0x0040 Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagWlinkAddressBookEID Description: Specifies the value of the PidTagEntryId property (section 2.677) of the user to whom the folder belongs. Property ID: 0x6854 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkAddressBookStoreEID Description: Specifies the value of the PidTagStoreEntryId property (section 2.1022) of the current user (not the owner of the folder). Property ID: 0x6891 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkCalendarColor Description: Specifies the background color of the calendar. Property ID: 0x6853 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkClientID Description: Specifies the Client ID that allows the client to determine whether the shortcut was created on the current machine/user via an equality test. Property ID: 0x6890 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkEntryId Description: Specifies the EntryID of the folder pointed to by the shortcut. Property ID: 0x684C Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkFlags Description: Specifies conditions associated with the shortcut. Property ID: 0x684A Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkFolderType Description: Specifies the type of folder pointed to by the shortcut. Property ID: 0x684F Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkGroupClsid Description: Specifies the value of the PidTagWlinkGroupHeaderID property of the group header associated with the shortcut. Property ID: 0x6850 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkGroupHeaderID Description: Specifies the ID of the navigation shortcut that groups other navigation shortcuts. Property ID: 0x6842 Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkGroupName Description: Specifies the value of the PidTagNormalizedSubject (section 2.806) of the group header associated with the shortcut. Property ID: 0x6851 Data type: PtypString, 0x001F Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkOrdinal Description: Specifies a variable-length binary property to be used to sort shortcuts lexicographically. Property ID: 0x684B Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkRecordKey Description: Specifies the value of PidTagRecordKey property (section 2.904) of the folder pointed to by the shortcut. Property ID: 0x684D Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkROGroupType Description: Specifies the type of group header. Property ID: 0x6892 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkSaveStamp Description: Specifies an integer that allows a client to identify with a high probability whether the navigation shortcut was saved by the current client session. Property ID: 0x6847 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkSection Description: Specifies the section where the shortcut will be grouped. Property ID: 0x6852 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkStoreEntryId Description: Specifies the value of the PidTagStoreEntryId property (section 2.1022) of the folder pointed to by the shortcut. Property ID: 0x684E Data type: PtypBinary, 0x0102 Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkType Description: Specifies the type of navigation shortcut. Property ID: 0x6849 Data type: PtypInteger32, 0x0003 Area: Configuration